Topic: Books on Fiqh

Saddat    -- 12-03-2007 @ 3:10 AM
  Assalamualimu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

Can anybody mention any book of Fiqh having different opinions of different Imams & Hadith on which they were based on?


mustafaG.    -- 15-03-2007 @ 11:22 AM
  Assalam u alaikum

If you are looking for a book in fiqh in the English language, the best book translated so far is Sheikh Saleh al Fowzan's 'Al Mulakis al Fiqhee' summarized Islamic Jurisprudence. We were advised to read this book by our beloved sheikh Khaleed ar Radadee years ago.  The book is presently available in two large volumes. Although there are some weak hadeeths used in the book, it is an excellent work and very easy to comprehend and grasp.  

In the past, all the English speaking community had was 'Fiqh us Sunnah', alhamdullah, people can now read and study the previously mentioned work by a well known salafi scholar.

In the future we hope more books are translated for the general and specific benefit of the English speaking community.

May Allah give us all tawfeeq to follow what is correct and that which is pleasing to Him.

Mustafa G.
Ruwais, UAE


ekbal.hussain    -- 15-03-2007 @ 2:16 PM
  Wa Alaikumus Salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

You can purcahse the book from here:

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