Topic: New SPBook "Explanation Of The Three Principles" By Shaikh 'Ubaid    -- 09-01-2007 @ 2:44 PM


"A Gift For The Intellects In Explanation Of The Three Fundamental Principles Of Islaam"

Authored by
Shaikhul-Islaam Muhammad
Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab
(Died 1206 AH)
Explained by
?Ubaid Al-Jaabiree

The author said: "Knowledge of the religion Islaam with the proofs." So this sentence is highlighting a principle that the scholars have derived from the Book and Sunnah; and that principle is: The base rule for all acts of worship is that they are impermissible unless there is a text to support them.

Devoutness, worship and seeking to draw closer to Allaah have to be based upon  clear authentic texts. Independent scholarly opinion has no place in affirming any act of worship; rather, the proof has to be from the Book, Sunnah or the unanimous agreement of the Salaf (Rightly Guided Predecessors) that Allaah ordered that particular act. It is reported upon 'Ali ibn Abu Taalib, may Allaah be pleased with him, that he said: "If the religion was based on the intellect, then the bottom of the leather sock would be more deserving to be wiped than the top [in ablution]."

Moreover, all the scholars agree, whether it be the four Imaams or anyone else, that the religion is built upon proof. Imaam Maalik used to say at the end of his lessons: "All speech can be accepted or rejected, except for the speech of the inhabitant of that grave." And he was referring to the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allaah be upon.               

ISBN: 1-902727-30-4

__________________________________________________________    -- 17-01-2007 @ 12:09 PM

See attached some sample pages of the book...


hussein1    -- 23-04-2009 @ 4:41 PM
  Assalamu alaikum.

JazakAllah for the post.

where can i get full version of the book?

may Allah bls u


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