Topic: Update for Durham, NC Conference

rasheed.b    -- 31-05-2004 @ 4:21 AM
  As salaamu alaikum

Event: Fundraiser for Muslim School and Masjid

THEME: Adorn Knowledge with Actions

Tele-links with Scholars from Saudi Arabia and Yemen

Speakers: Abu Uwais
          Dawud Adib
          Aqeel Ingram

Our brother Dawud Adib informed us that he will be present in the States during our conference and he will be one of the speakers inshaALLAH.

We have been informed that our brother Hasan Somoli will not be in the States at this time thus he will not be able to attend our seminar.  

more to come inshaALLAH

Dates: June 11th Thru June 13th

Starting from the Friday Sermon

Updates to follow inshaALLAH

Masjid Tawheed was Sunnah
Durham, NC
919 419 2400

Contact: Abu Inayah Sadiq
         Abdul Qaadir Peterson
         Abu Qayla Rasheed

وَكَانَ الْفُضَيْل بْن عِيَاض يَقُول : يَا كَذَّاب يَا مُفْتَرٍ , اِتَّقِ اللَّهَ وَلَا تَسُبَّ الشَّيْطَان فِي الْعَلَانِيَة وَأَنْتَ صَدِيقُهُ فِي السِّرّ

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