Topic: Fun day Daarul Hadeeth-Philly

MuhammedNubi    -- 15-03-2004 @ 8:20 PM
  Bismillah, alhamdulillah was salaatu was salaamu 'ala rasoolilah wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een
wa b'ad

attached is the information for fun day.

MuhammedNubi    -- 17-03-2004 @ 10:27 PM
  Bismillah, alhamdulillah wa salaatu wa salaamu 'alaa rasoolilah, wa b'ad
salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
i would just like to inform the people that if the weather is bad than the fun day will be cancled. please feel free to contact daarul hadeeth for further information and updates, inshallah
daarul hadeeth wal althar

Muhammad An-Noobi
محمد النوبي          

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