Topic: On reading or circulating these books??

wasim.ahmed    -- 26-02-2004 @ 12:25 PM
  al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa
Ashrafil-Anbiyaa?e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahi wa-Barakaatuhu,

What is the ruling or the correct methodology of dealing with the books of individuals who are either deviants or who have been refuted but some of the books authored by them have been reviewed & commented upon by the scholars .Does this make it permissible to read them ?

Iam asking this question since I know of an article which was formerly there in by Izz bin Abdus Salaam titled "The Superiority of Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) with footnotes by Imaam Albaani (rahimahullaah)  & also the Book "Lawful & prohibited in Islaam by Yusuf Qaradawi & Imaam Albaani (rahimahullaah) has commented on this Book ,ie in Ghayah Al Maraam -Takhreej Ahadeeth - Al Haraam wal Haraam fil Islaam".

Since we see hear many of the mumayyi'een & hizbees using this
saying  "Look since Shaykh Al Albaani has done takhreej & commented on these books, we can read them & circulate those books among the masses" even though we remind them that these individuals like Qaradawi are deviants & should be warned against & not publicised.

BarakAllaahu feekum, wassalaamu 'alaykum.

Wasim Ahmad ibn 'Abdurraheem ibn 'Abdulbaseer Salafi Alhindee

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