Topic: lessons scheduled in riyadh by the mashaaikh umar al-harbi, muhahammad bi hadi al-madkhali, fawzi al-atharee and umm abdurahman

amr.basheer    -- 20-01-2004 @ 2:25 PM
  Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem,

1.Shaikh umar al-harbi will be doing his classes for the brothers and sisters this thursday at the same venues.

for the brothers he will continue the same books. [see previous post]
for the sisters the lessons will be in two sections:

a. qawaaid alarba by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab
b. questions and answers

For details please contact Umm Hamzah : 053 207 400
                                        email :
or Umm Ubaidah : 270 2121

2.shaikh muhammad bin haadi al-madkhali will be arriving after the days of eid, [the first or second weekend after eid]. he will be doing a translated talk with questions and answers specially for the brothers from the west.

3.two weeks after shaikh muhammad, inshallaah, shaikh fawzee will be arriving with his wife. she will be conducting classes over the weekend [all day] for the sisters and they will be translated. for the brothers who are not baby sitting shaikh fawzee will be sitting with the brothers, but he did not mention anything about duroos from books.
as soon as they confirm their timetable i will post the info.

aboo ubaidah

This message was edited by amr.basheer on 1-20-04 @ 2:49 PM

amr.basheer    -- 21-02-2004 @ 8:19 PM
  1.yesterday shaikh fawzee al-atharee reconfirmed that he will be coming with his wife. he said, after shaikh ubaid finishes his one week course in bahrain which starts in 20 days they will start preparations to come to riyadh.

2.shaikh muhammad bin haadi,inshallaah is on for this weekend or next weekend. i need to double confirm with him the date and the book to be studied. check this post for any updates, jazaakumallaahu khair.

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