Topic: Lectures by Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Ibn Hamad al-Abbaad?

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 24-12-2003 @ 3:13 PM
  Bismi'llaah wal hamdu lilaah was-salaatu wa salaam 'ala Rasulilaah wa ba'd:

As-salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah!

Does anyone know where I can purchase CD lectures (with english translations) of our noble Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad (hafidhahumallaah)?   I'm interested in his lectures on aqeedah and manhaj, but ANY lecture by the Shaykh would be helpful insha'Allaah.

Barak Allaahu Feekum

Aboo Khaleel Ibraheem Bukharee

DarulHadeethHarlem    -- 25-12-2003 @ 9:24 PM
  Assalam u aliakum

barakAllahu feekum for your eagerness in seeking knowledge.  there is no doubt that this is a good sign for an individual as the messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: whoever Allah wants good for, He gives him fiqh in the religion.  the tapes by our beloved shiekh Abdul Muhsin can more then likely be found on  if you visit saudi arabia any time soon, you can find the tapes in the many salafee tape stores here.  from them is ibn Rajab tapes in al-madina, al assalah tapes in jeddah and others.  may Allah make obtaining these tapes easy for you.  you should also know that there are several new books out by the sheikh. from them: the explaination of the hadith of jabriel, as well as a full explaination of forty hadeeths by imam an nawawi with the 10 additional hadeeths by ibn Rajab al hanbali.  the shiekh aslo has a Radd on those who perform suicide bombings!!  inshAllah, you will find benefit in these and other books by our beloved salafee shuyook.  if your and english reader, then im sure you can find some tapes translated on  

assalam ualaikum

ibrahim.bukhari    -- 26-12-2003 @ 4:40 AM
  السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Jazak Allaahu Khair, for the reply and helpful information.  I pray that Allaah makes it easy for myself and the other english speaking Muslims to gain beneficial knowledge from all of Kibaarul 'Ulamaa for we love them all without doubt.  And concerning our noble Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad (hafidhahumallaah), I once heard our beloved brother Aboo Tasneem say (paraphrasing):


"Many Muslims don't know who he is, (we're not saying we're giving him that title) but if anyone right now among ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'aa deserves the title of the present day Imaam, it would be Shaykh Abdul-Mushin al-Abbaad"


And Allaah knows best

إبراهيم  البخاري
Aboo Khaleel Ibraheem Bukharee

This message was edited by ibrahim.bukhari on 12-26-03 @ 10:42 PM

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 26-12-2003 @ 10:58 AM
  Here is some taped and written material of the Shaykh from around the web:

The refutation of suicide bombers mentioned above:

A tape about the belief in the unseen matters:

A tape titled in which he gives four advices for the youth:

A book on the superiority of Ahl ul-Bayt:

His refutation of Hasan al-Maalikee:

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 12-26-03 @ 11:11 AM

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