shahid393 | -- 03-10-2003 @ 6:33 PM |
as-salaamu 'alaykum, is there anything that is concise yet thorough concerning the following individuals: 'abdul-hameed kishk aboo ishaaq al-huwaynee muhammad hassaan al-maghraawee aboo husaam shaheed williams
| | -- 03-10-2003 @ 8:39 PM |
assalaamu 'alaikum abt al-maghraawee in here:
shahid393 | -- 04-10-2003 @ 5:05 AM |
barakallaahu feek, abu ayyub. this will help me alot. aboo husaam shaheed williams
| | -- 04-10-2003 @ 3:17 PM |
wa feekum barakallaah
MaazQureshi | -- 05-10-2003 @ 2:41 AM |
Some statements from al-'Allaamah Rabee'us-Sunnah Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee concerning Aboo Ishaaq al-Huwaynee: قال السجزي في الرسالة [ ص 220 ]: ( فالمتبع للأثر يجب تقدمه و إكرامه، و إن كان صغير السن غير نَسـِيب، و المخالف له يلزم اجتنابه و إن كان مسناً شريفاً )
shahid393 | -- 05-10-2003 @ 1:24 PM |
barakallaahu feek, maaz, this also will help. i forgot to mention that this info can be in arabic also, as the brother that i wish to present this evidence to speaks english and arabic. aboo husaam shaheed williams
| | -- 28-10-2003 @ 10:31 AM |
Salamu alaikum, Brother Maaz, please translate the fatwa for the benefit of all, since al-Huwaynee has been raised up to being a grand "Muhaddith" by his followers in Egypt. Wassalam
shahid393 | -- 28-10-2003 @ 5:58 PM |
was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, barakallaah feeki, ukhtee bint 'abdillaah aboo husaam shaheed williams
alatharee | -- 28-10-2003 @ 6:38 PM |
As it relates to Kishk then he is a storytelling Soofee who relies heavily upon unauthentic and fabricated ahadeeth. Imaam Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) spoke concerning here: Aboo Abdillaah Umar ---------------- أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين
oummou.assia | -- 11-11-2003 @ 8:31 PM |
bissmillahi ar rahmani ar rahim assalam alaykoum This last link does not work, could you paste it inshaAllah? " al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).
hasan336 | -- 11-11-2003 @ 11:03 PM |
Salaam 'alaykum, Try this: If you have any more problems, just try copying and then pasteing the link in your address bar, inshaa'Allaah that will work. Salaam 'alaykum, Abu Muhammad Hasan Grooms
shahid393 | -- 30-03-2004 @ 12:20 PM |
as-salaamu 'alaykum, would someone please translate the fatwa of sh. rabee' about aboo ishaaq. the brother that i gave it to says that it is not clear enough, not enough detail. i believe that to be an excuse, but since i don't know what the fatwa says i can't call him on it. you can translate it in its entirety, or give me a summary. aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams wichita, ks usa
shahid393 | -- 04-04-2004 @ 12:00 AM |
raised aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams wichita, ks usa
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 26-01-2009 @ 6:09 PM |
Imaam Muqbil rahimahullah on not listening to tapes of Abu Ishaaq al-Huwaynee
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 02-02-2009 @ 5:55 PM |
Shaykh Abu Abdul 'Ala Khalid Muhammad Uthmaan al-Misri hafidhahullah refutes al-Huwayni in detail. Click
SelefiMedia | -- 10-02-2009 @ 12:38 PM |
Wa 'Alaykum Assalaam Warahmatullahi wabarakatu Could someone replace the words of Shaykh Al-Albani, concerning 'Abdul-Hameed Kishk? Djaazakumu Allaahu Gheiran قال الشافعي رحمه الله تعالى شكوت إلى وكيع س
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 07-06-2009 @ 2:22 AM |
Some of the quotes from the Ulemah on al-Huwaini can be read on pg. 15 footnote 21 of For Muhammad Hassan and al-maghraawee see footnotes on page no. 10
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 10-06-2009 @ 1:42 AM |
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Marzooq al-Banna on al-Huwaynee
Abdelrahman | -- 21-06-2009 @ 9:02 AM |
Can someone please tell me more about Abdul-Hameed Kishk? My mother often listens to his lectures.
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 03-09-2009 @ 7:50 AM |
Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee hafidhahullah warns against Abu Ishaq alheweny (may Allah rectify his affairs) [url=]here[/url]
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 15-03-2010 @ 4:47 AM |
Shaykh Muhammad bin Umar Baazmool replies to a question about al-Huwaynee [url=]here[/url].
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