Topic: From SP Forums: Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Comments On One of Abul-Hasan's Vile Statements

Sunnah    -- 28-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Posted on Sahab.Net earlier, tape recording to follow:

This is what Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin said about only one statement of Abul-Hasan so what if he knew the reality of his condition and the rest of his statements

The noble Shaykh, Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad was asked today, 21/7/1423H concerning the person who says:

"The saying that there is a deficiency/flaw in the tarbiyah, then no one is able to reject that. The rank of the Companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was not even free from this"

So amongst what the Shaykh said was:

"This speech is from the most false of falsehood. And if they (the sahaabah) were not worthy or tarbiyah, then there is no one who is worthy of tarbiyah

And this speech is evil, it is not desireable that the tongues should utter the likes of this speech

and the one who makes this speech is foremost/most worthy of rebuke/criticism...

Quick brief notes:

1) The onset of further humiliation and exposition of the Person of Desires, Great Liar of Luton, Abdul-Qadir Baksh and his followers, who have initiated great evil in spreading childish attacks against us and inciting and encouraging others from the people of desires with the same.

2) Confirmation of what we explained ealier that the Shaykh is not aware of the full extent of the reality of this man and his falsehood.

3) Humiliation of Ahya Hizbees who, like the ignorant children that they are, use any little thing to attack us, in falsehood of course, earning more and more sin for themselves.

4) Confirmation that if the Shaykh was to know what the other Shaykhs know he would be upon the same viewpoint as them.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اما بعد:

فقد سئل فضيلة شيخنا الشيخ عبدالمحسن العباد في هذا اليوم ، يوم السبت 21/7/1423هـ

عمن يقول:

((القول أن هناك خللاً في التربية ما أحد يستطيع أن ينكر ذلك ، فما سلم صف أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من ذلك ))

فكان مما قال الشيخ :

هذا الكلام من أبطل الباطل...

وإذا كانوا ليسوا أهلا للتربية فليس هناك من هو أهل للتربية...

وهذا كلام سيء لا ينبغي ان تحرك الألسن بمثل هذا الكلام...

وقائل هذا الكلام هو الأولى بالذم...


وترقبوا الشريط إن شاء الله بصوت الشيخ

وهنيئاً لكم يا أتباع أبي الحسن

This message was edited by Sunnah on 9-29-02 @ 12:03 AM

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