Topic: In Need of Tapes and Book by Sheikh Ubayd

AbuUkkaasha    -- 30-05-2003 @ 10:20 PM
  As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Could someone please list some of the books the Sheikh has written or compiled on Tawheed and Aqeedah and Manhaj and books that he has taught and the lessons recorded? What books of Tawheed and Aqeedah and Manhaj the Sheikh has taught and where can we buy these tapes and books. I have been looking for sometime and have not been blessed to find anything. Baraka Allaahu Feekum!

من خالف هذا المنهج- يعني منهج السلف-و سار على منهج آخر فانه ليس منا و لسنا منه, و لا ننتسب اليه, ولا ينتسب الينا, و لا  يسمى جماعة, و انما يسمى فرقة من الفرق الضالة

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