Topic: Have you put it into practice what you know?

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 05-11-2008 @ 11:33 PM
  ıAtı narrates that there used to be a young man who used to go to Mother of the Believers ı?ishah to ask her questions and she would narrate to him.

One day, he came to her to ask her some questions. She said, ıSon, have you put into practice what you hear from me yet?ı He replied, ıNo mother, I have not.ı So she said, ıSon, why do you then seek to increase Allahıs proof against us and you?!ı

Al-Khatıb Al-Baghdıdı in Iqtidı Al-ıIlm Al-ıAmal no. 92.

Translated by Brother Abu Abdillaah Owais Al-Hashimi hafithahullaah on his blog

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