Topic: Black dots on the heart

Jilbaab    -- 13-05-2004 @ 10:44 AM
  Question:  Regarding the black dots on the heart when you sin?is it possible to remove it?

Answer:  ?Tawbah (repentance) and istighfaar (seeks Allah?s forgiveness) if done sincerely will erase it, but otherwise it will remain black.?

By the Noble Shaykh ?Ubayd ibn ?Abdullah al-Jaabiree (Hafitha-hullaah)
Translated by Umm ?Abdir-Rahmaan Hanim Say
Telelink from Toronto, Canada to al-Madeenah, Kingdom of Saudi ?Arabia
14 Rabi? Awwal 1425  |  4 May 2004

ام خديجة شحيدة
Umm Khadijah Shahidah

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