Topic: niyyah!!! reward or pleasure or Allaah? are both valid?

junaid    -- 12-02-2010 @ 5:51 PM question is simple..and i think about this too much...and its affecting my ibaadah..i feel like a hypocrite at times..maybe its the shaytaan playing around with me..whenever i do an act of ibaadah..i do it seeking the reward of Allaah....atleast most of the times it forms a majority of my this niyyah valid? Allaah knows best..doing an act of ibaadah seeking the pleasure of Allaah and not worrying about the reward is better isnt it?

Husayn_El_Sharif    -- 14-02-2010 @ 12:01 PM
  See the article:

"Salvation Lies Between Fear and Hope"
Author: Salih bin `Abdul-`Aziz bin Muhammad Aal ash-Shaykh
Source: Hadhihi Mafahimuna (Eng trans. and additions by Abu Iyad)

Moosaa    -- 14-02-2010 @ 7:37 PM
  wa 'alaykas-salaam

some people are more motivated when they think about the reward

others are more motiated when they think about punishment

others combine the two and achieve a balance - which is the best scenario: to worship Allaah out of both hope for His reward and fear of His punishment

it is a kind of ghuluw (extremism) that some of the soofees have introduced that a person should not worship Allaah out of fear or hope, rather he should only worship Him because is Allaah, the Almighty, the all-deserving of worship!  Some of them go so far as to say that a person who worships Allaah seeking a reward has made shirk, since his intention is two-fold, he wants to worship Allaah AND he wants something for himself!!

this is a very bizaare departure from the most basic understanding of texts in the Qur'aan that talk about Paradise - children read the Qur'aan and the beautiful descriptions of the Paradise and they know that Allaah is encouraging them to work for it, to seek it, to want it, to go after it, etc.!  so this is a strange deviation indeed!

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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junaid    -- 15-02-2010 @ 4:11 PM
  jazakAllaahu khairan brother Moosa..may Allaah increase you in all thats pleasing to Allaah..found the advice realy beneficial..and jazaakAllaah brother Husayn..akhee the link you gave me did not work..maybe its no loner there..however i am going to try again soon inshaaAllaah..wassalaamualaikum

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