Topic: Moving the finger while saying 'Rabigh firlee'

abuhamza    -- 11-11-2009 @ 7:16 PM
  I have seen, over the years, many brothers who move their finger between the 2 sujoods (while saying rabighfir lee). About 7-8 years ago I remember hearing Dawood Adeeb reminding us in Florida not to listen to his series anymore (the Islamic Household series) and I seem to remember him mentioning this fiqh issue as one of the mistakes...

My question I correct? I ask because I have noticed more than one brother--who is striving in Salafiyyah--doing this action. They move their finger between the 2 sujood. They don't move their finger during tashahood as per Shaykh Al Albani's (rahimahullah) book however, just during the point between the 2 sujood.

please advise---jazakallahu khayr

Abu Hamza

"It is enough knowledge that one fears Allah, it is enough ignorance that one be impressed by his own knowledge" Masrooq(rahimahullah)

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