Topic: References for these Ahaadeeth/Aathaar needed!!!

OmarAsSomaalii    -- 28-10-2009 @ 2:41 AM
  Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah, hayyaakumAllaah.

There are 2 ahaadeeth/aathaar mentioned in the note of "Gelatine" but without a reference attached to either them and I wondered if anyone could assist me and provide the particular reference for each narration please.

Athar number 1: "The companions (radyallahu anhum) used to eat a cheese that came from the land of the disbelievers. In that cheese was a part of the calf which was slaughtered by the disbelievers in a way that is not in accordance with Islaam. The companions knew this, but they also knew that the prohibition was upon the calf, what is directly from the calf, and what could be properly called part of the calf; the ruling is not upon that which you cannot identify as part of the calf nor is it called any longer such-and-such part of the calf. This is called istihaala."

Hadeeth number 2: Another proof from the Sunnah: The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) forbade making vinegar out of wine, but he said that if you should come across vinegar that has been made from wine then it is halaal.  

HafidhakumAllaah ikhwaan wa akhawaat.

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