Topic: Time between Adhan and Iqaamah

IbnJiffry    -- 01-10-2009 @ 9:33 AM
  I would like to know what is the guidance from the Sunnah of the Messenger (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) regarding the time period between the Adhan of a prayer and the Iqaamath.

Especially I need to know about the time period between Adhan and Iqaamah for Fajr. In Sri Lanka it is 30 mins in almost all the Masaajid. I came to know from one of our reliable brothers in Maldives it is only about 10 mins and in  Saudi Arabia it is about 20 mins (and also he said in some mosques longer than this).

Hence I expect any student of knowledge who has got the guidance from Sunnah to share it with us.

Barakallahu lakum,

Abu Maslamah As Sayalaani

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