Topic: Ruling regarding tahajud in last 10 night?

daadir    -- 17-09-2009 @ 3:03 AM
  Bimillah Alhamdulillah Wa Salaatu Wa Salaamu ala Rasulillah
to proceed.
I have question regarding the tahajjud prayer in the last 10 night of the month.A brother said to me that the Ulamaa have said it is a bid'ah.
Please provide some evidence regarding this issue.
??????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ????

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Moosaa    -- 17-09-2009 @ 12:41 PM
  I don't understand why anyone would say that.  Tahajjud prayer was the regular practice of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) all year round.  And in the last ten nights of Ramadhaan, he would tighten his izaar and become even more dedicated to his night prayers, as is well known.

Maybe what you heard was about a specific way of praying it...?  Be sure of what you heard as I doubt anyone would claim that our scholars declared tahajjud in the last ten nights of Ramadhaan to be bid'ah!  And Allaah knows best.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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daadir    -- 17-09-2009 @ 8:27 PM
  I think my question isn't very clear.also the brother later played the tape of shaykh Nasiru Diin rahimahullah and the question they asked the shaykh was.هل يصح تقسيم قيام الليل في العشر الاواخر الى تراويح وتهجد؟
and the tape is in silsilatul huda wal nuur, the tape number is 719 in the 39.51 minute.

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Moosaa    -- 18-09-2009 @ 1:54 AM
  maybe someone who has access to the audio could translate it for benefit in shaa' Allaah

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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daadir    -- 18-09-2009 @ 3:57 AM
  Baaraka Allah feek and thanks for your responds. the brother is saying praying tahajud in jamaa'a in the maasjid in not from the sunnah and he said it is a bid'ah .
again baaraka Allahu feek.
wa salaamu aleikom wa rahmatullah

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abdul.azeem    -- 19-09-2009 @ 4:54 PM
  هل يصح تقسيم قيام الليل في العشر الاواخر الى

تراويح وتهجد؟

Apologies for the delay. Audio


Its not clear if the one saying "Bid'ah" is indeed Shaykh Nasir or someone
else in the background.

The Shaykh asks to ponder over that which has been said by Umar...

That he ordered Ubay ibn Ka'ab that he establishes the prayer for the people after the salatul_isha and he did so.

He then quotes the statement of Umar - نعمت البدعة هذه، والتي
ينامون عنها أفضل

What a good innovation it is, and that which they sleep (probably the latter part of the night) is of greater fadheelah (than that which they are performing)....

If you look at the narration below -
Umar said - What a good innovation it is, and that which they sleep meaning the latter part of the night, is of greater fadheelah than that which they are performing (prayer), for the people used to pray in the earlier part (of the night).

ı خرجت مع عمر بن الخطاب في رمضان إلى

المسجد فإذا الناس أوزاع متفرقون يصلي الرجل

لنفسه ويصلي الرجل فيصلي بصلاته الرهط فقال

عمر : إني أرى لو جمعت هؤلاء على قارئ واحد

لكان أمثل، ثم عزم فجمعهم على أبي بن كعب ثم

خرجت معه ليلة أخرى والناس يصلون بصلاة

قارئهم، فقال عمر : نعمت البدعة هذه، والتي

ينامون عنها أفضل من التي يقومون، يعني آخر

الليل، وكان الناس يقومون أوله ı

أخرجه مالك في الموطأ 1 / 114- 115

[ See fatwa Lajna # 4167 ]

Moosa can comment...

abdul.azeem    -- 19-09-2009 @ 6:07 PM
  من صلى قيام الليل في رمضان مع الإمام في آخر الليل فقط  و لم يصل معه في أول الليل هل يصدق عليه أنه قام مع إمامه حتى ينصرف ؟

The one who prays Qiyam al-Layl in Ramadhan with the Imam only in the last part of the night and he does not pray with the Imam in the earlier part of the night. Does (this qiyam of his) certify his standing with the Imam until he (the Imam) leaves? [ See the hadeeth]

The Shaykh responds that it does not affirm for him 'standing with the imam until he leaves' for the qiyam includes taraweeh and tahajjud..

Answered by Ibn Uthaymeen rahimahullah.[ Kitab as-Siyaam wal-I'tikaf, Saheeh Muslim Tape 8, Part-B]

Wallahu A'lam

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