Topic: please help

sister_fatima    -- 24-08-2009 @ 12:26 AM
  i have been told that i should cover up infornt of sisters can someone please explain this to me as i am confused i know u can'nt show your private to anyone expect your husband

fatima . h

AbuAbdir-Razzaq    -- 24-08-2009 @ 7:07 PM
  Bismillah wal Hamdulillaah was salaatu was salaam ala nabiyyina Muhammad [sallahu alaihi wa sallam] wa la aalihi was sahbihi wa man wala

amma ba'd

AsSalaamu alaikam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Attached is an article of Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan's [May Allah preserve him] regarding the muslim woman's awrah. He answers several questions regarding this including what a muslim woman should wear infront of her muslim sisters.

To briefly summarize the Shaykh brings an Ayah from qur'an as proof that a muslim woman can show her adornments such as her face, hair, neck forearms and lower shin to a number of individuals whom it is permissible for her to show, including the muslim women.

Further on he mentions that the Muslim woman should still be shy and modest infront of her sisters and not wear tight clothing in front of them.

For full benefit read the article, Insha'Allah.

I pray it is of benefit and answers your questions.

was salaamu alaykam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Abdullah b.Umar May Allah be pleased with them both said:
'Every bidah(religious innovation) is misguidance, even if people think it is good.'
Al-Lalikaii in Sharh Usıl Iıtiqıd Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jama'ah Vol 1. P134, no.111

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