Topic: Making dhikr on the fingertips

umridhwaan    -- 09-08-2009 @ 7:40 AM
  As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah

I have been told as well as read about making dhikr using the fingertips and NOT the joints of the fingers when making tasbeeh. This reference has been given:

It was said in Haashiyat al-Tahtaawi: ıIt is correct that he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to count the tasbeeh on his right hand. It was reported that he said: ıCount with your finger tips, for they will be asked and they will be made to speak.ı Ibn Hijr said: Counting the tasbeeh with the fingertips is better than using the subhah (prayer-beads or ırosaryı).

Can any of the tulaabul 'ilm or the shuyookh shed some light on the truth or falsehood of this matter with the proof?

Jazaakummullahu khairan wa baarakullahu feekum


Abu Al-ııliyah reports that a man once asked ıUbay b. Kaıb ı Allah be pleased with him ı for advice. He said:

Take the Book of Allah as your leader (imım) and be pleased with it as a judge and ruler. It is what your Messenger left

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