Topic: Separating between the fard and nafl salawaat...

ummmusa88    -- 01-07-2009 @ 10:12 PM
  Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: 'The Sunnah is to separate between
performing the obligatory and optional Salat in Jumu'ah Salat and other
Salawaat as was narrated in the "Sahih" that he (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) prohibited that any [obligatory] Salat be followed immediately by
[optional] one; one should separate between them with speech or changing
one's place'

(Source: The Clarified Ruling of Mistakes Done in Salat bu Mashhur Hasan

I had a few questions regarding this statement, inshaAllah someone can
answer them, barakAllahu feekum.

1) Does reading athkaar from the Sunnah (such as counting the tasbeeh,
tahmeed, takbeer on one's fingers, reciting ayat al-kursi, etc) count as
the "speech" the shaykh mentioned that would separate between the fard and
nafl salawaat?

2) I have seen some people (I think the Hanafis do this) after the fard
salat, they switch places with each other and perform their nafl salat. I
know this would is considered "changing one's place" as the shaykh
mentioned, but I was wondering if this is a bid'ah or a permissible act?

3) How do we separate between the nafl and fard salawaat when the nafl is
prayer before the fard? (For instance, praying 2 rakaat between the 4
rakaat for the Dhuhr salat). Or is the separation required only if we
follow the fard with the nafl salat?

jazakAllahu khayran

ummmusa88    -- 11-01-2010 @ 7:08 PM
  alhamdulillah i found the answer to my first question -

Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen (may Allah rest him in Firdous ) said...

Itýs mentioned in the hadeeth ýUntil you speaký. Does making Thikr after
prayer suffice as speech, or must it be dialogue ,whereas itýs clear a
person isnýt praying?

Answer: Itýs apparent from this hadeeth that it must be speech which
establishes a person isnýt praying. Whether Thikr or any other act. For
example after the prayer a person says to the person next to him As-Salaamu
Alaykum, How are you doing? And after that he stands up and offers his
Nafil [ Sharh Saheeh Muslim ]


Translated and compiled by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle.

Doha, Qatar 1431 ý

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