Topic: When does water become impure?

ummmaymoona    -- 24-03-2009 @ 7:02 PM
  Asalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I am looking for the ruling regarding at what point water becomes impure?I vaguely remember hearing two opinions but cannot find daleel on either, but one was something like water remains pure until it's colour or smell changes and the other was that even if a tiny amount of najasah falls into water then the whole water then becomes najasah. If someone has any information on this insha'Allah I would be most grateful.

BarakAllahu feekum

AbuShereen    -- 28-03-2009 @ 7:30 AM
  Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

Insha Allah akhuna Moosa can comment on this as this was covered by Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool in his explanation of ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah.  He mentioned the words of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in which he said that the water that has a slight addition to the degree that it doesn't "galaba alayhi" (overtake it) then it can still be used for purifying.  Even if there is a slight change in taste, odor or color but it is still recognized as water, then it can still be considered mutaahir (usable for purifying).

One of the proofs used was the hadeeth in which the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) commanded those washing his daughter Zaynab to "Wash her three, five, seven, or more times if you find it necessary--using water and sidr" (which is translated as ground lotus leaves in the book Funerals: Regulations and Exhortations) (Bukhari, Muslim & others)

Another proof used was that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) once made ghusl with water that had some effects of dough in it.  

Of course these proofs are regarding the addition of something taahir to the water and not something najas.  This is what was mentioned, but Moosa may be able to add some extra masaa'il that may not have been covered in the lessons with Shaykh Bazmool.

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