Topic: Praying on bed

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 10-03-2009 @ 5:36 PM
  Q- Is it permissible to pray on a raised area from the ground such as a bed if a person doubts about the purity (cleanliness) of the ground and there was no excuse such as illness (preventing him from praying exactly on the ground)?

A ý There is no harm in a person praying on a raised area/place such as a bed or the like so long as it was pure (clean) and he was sure he would not experience any rocking/swaying or any obstruction in the prayer.

Sheikh Saleh Bin Fowzan; Al-Muntaqa min Fatawa,
Vol. 5, Pg. 36, Fatwa no. 48.

source: Saudi Gazette - 12 Rabi Al-Awaal 1430 H

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