Topic: can one take from zakaatul fitr after having paid it?

NuffinButDaHaqq    -- 01-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  bismillah, wa salaatu wa salaamu ala rasoolillah:

wa ba'd

as salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

i have a question regarding zakaatul fitr.... and it is regarding a situation, or a trend, rather... in my masjid, there was great difficulty in dispersing zakaatul fitr which consisted of sugar rice flour oatmeal and stuff like that...

perhaps it was because of the supply being more than te demand, and after having paid zakaatul fitr, my family also took some of it...

so the question is... is the person whos able to pay zakaatul fitr not qualified to recieve it? what about the situation where the food isplenty and the issue of not wanting to waste is involved?

barakallahu feekum

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