Topic: khat or qat???

abunurani    -- 19-04-2008 @ 6:10 PM
  Al-Hamdulillahi Ta'Ala wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulullah wa 'ala Alihi wa Sahbihi wa salam:

Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

Has anyone seen an official fatwa on this leaf or root [i.e. khat/qat - qat & ghat Yemen, chat in Ethiopia, jaad in Somalia and miraa in Kenya & Tanzania] that is chewed in places like Somalia, Yemen & other places because it is being heavily imported and distributed in America now and I haven't been able to find a statement from our Salafi scholars?

Additionally, it causes a mild euphoria, excitement and stimulation, it is used socially in areas and is considered a "recreational drug". In the Encyclopedia of Yemen [2nd Edition] it is reportedly used by some 80% in Yemen, mostly male population and it used for reducing physical fatigue, by drivers and students for improving attention.  Allahu Alam.

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

Al_Oromee    -- 24-04-2008 @ 9:29 AM
  Assalamu alaykum

Shaikh Muhammad Al-Imam (hafidhahullah) of Darul-Hadith in Ma'bar has written a book,  ııııı ııı ııııııı ıı ııııı ııııı ıııııı ııııııı on the issue:

Also Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi (shafaahullah) has written a poem that discibes the harm of that leaf (qat, chat, kat....)

Shaikh Ibn Othaimeen also has a fatwa about it although he doesnt clearly make rullings about it:

Al_Oromee    -- 24-04-2008 @ 10:02 AM
  Assalamu alaykum

Actullly the Permenant committe of scholars gave a fatwa the clearly states that it's haram:

Also Shaikh Ibn Abdul-Aziz ibn Baaz gave a fatwa that says it's haram:

abunurani    -- 25-04-2008 @ 4:20 AM
  jazakallahu khair

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

Al_Oromee    -- 28-04-2008 @ 9:15 AM
  Assalamu alaykum

By the way, someone just posted an article on sahab about qat:

abunurani    -- 30-04-2008 @ 1:10 PM
  wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah;

may Allah Ta'Ala reward you, but can anyone translate some of these replies?

Abu Nurani Shamsuddin

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