Topic: Salah befeore and after the Jumuah salah

Saddat    -- 11-03-2007 @ 3:16 AM

In Bangladesh, we usually pray 04 rakah (Kablal Jummah) before obligatory 02 rakah salah on Jumuah Salah. After the obligatory salah, we pray another 04 rakah (Ba'dal Jumuah).

Can anybody inform me, on which Hadith the 08 rakahs are based on & what is the authenticity?


Abou-Othmane    -- 12-03-2007 @ 9:32 PM
  asalam alikum,

what I know for sure and you can easily check it, is that the dalil for the four rakat after jumuah prayer ARE IN SAHI MUSLIM.

your brother

Abou Othmane

mehdihs    -- 15-03-2007 @ 9:44 PM
  kita koilen?

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