Topic: Questions,

SyedImran    -- 19-12-2006 @ 9:54 PM
  Bismillah hirrahmanirrahim,

Assalamu Alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu

These questions are for students knowowledge. Please answer with daleel, bisnillah.

1-Is it halal for someone to work in an IT dept. for a financial company in USA?

2- For Eid ul-Adha, is it permissible to sacrifice behlaf of a dead relative, i.e mother or father?

3- What kind of things can we do behalf of a dead relative? I.e- Umrah, Hajj, Sadaqah?

4- is it permissible to name ones child after angels? like Gibril (Alyhis salam)?

5- Can I pay my Zakat to a close family relative ( Not parents or own brother /sister) which an aunt? They have a house and she has no children, her husband is ill and needs to have an urgent surgery but due to not having savings it is taking time to collect the money. It would be premissible for me to give them my Zakat money?

Barak Allah tayala fikum.

Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu

This message was edited by SyedImran on 12-22-06 @ 4:55 PM

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