Topic: Forgetfulness in the sunan of the prayer

Lougain    -- 25-10-2006 @ 1:11 PM
  As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

When one is forgetful in the pillars and obligatory actions of the salaat we go back to what we left out, continue with the salaat and then perform sajdat-us-sahw.

But what about if one forgot to perform any of the sunan of the salaat such as reciting more than just al Faatihah in the prayer or forgetting to recite loudly when this is required?

I understand that one should not do sajdat-us-sahw but if one made such a mistake due to forgetfulness, how does one act in the rest of the prayer.

Example: Brother forgets to recite loudly in the first rakaa but realises his mistake before he stands up for the second. Is he to recite loudly because the first rakaa was silent due to forgetfulness or is he to recite quietly in order to continue the salaat in the same manner as before?

Alternatively, if he realises his mistake in the first standing before going to rukoo, is he to start again or just switch into loud recitation at the point where he realises his mistake?

Barakallaahu feekum

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah

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