Topic: Salaam upon entering Mosque

Abou-Othmane    -- 23-10-2006 @ 4:24 AM
  Asalam alikum,

I am always giving the salam when I enter in the masjid. During that time, some people are praying tayatul masjid, other 2 nawafil and other just sitting and waiting for IKAMA.
One of the brother told me to stop doing this without giving me any evidence and just told me it is disturbing the others: "so, do not give salam".

What is the statment regarding giving salam when entering in the masjid. I know there is a hadith in sahi muslim which allow TO ANSWER SALAM DURING SALAT.

cAN SOMEBODY TELL ME IF HE WAS RIGHT. If so, what is the hadith making it disliked. Or which oulama advise not to do it?

Thanks a lot for your help brother.


Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 23-10-2006 @ 3:05 PM
  Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Innovations related to greeting after prayer -By Shaykh Mashhoor Hasan Salmaan


With respect to this there is no difference between the one who is in the Mosque or outside of the Mosque. Indeed the Sunnah proves that it is legislated to give the salaam to whosoever is in the Mosque regardless of whether he is in prayer or not.

Wallaahu Ta'aala A'lam

Asef Jiddan . Here is the link

This message was edited by Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah on 10-30-06 @ 4:44 AM

Abou-Othmane    -- 24-10-2006 @ 11:40 PM
  asalam alikum  Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah,

Thanks a lot for your answer, but if it is legislated what are the evidences, if by chance you know them. Also, the link is not working.

Again, barakaALLAHUFIKA

Abou-Othmane    -- 28-10-2006 @ 4:49 AM
  asalam alikum,

BarakaLLAHufikum for the answer and the link.

May ALLAH reward you.


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