Topic: The Bleeding before Delivery!!!!!!?????

zaahir.abd    -- 10-11-2004 @ 10:50 PM
  As salaamu 'alaikum

After reading through the books:"Natural blood of women" by Shaykh Utheymeen- May Allaah have Mercy upon him- and Shaykh Salih Fauzan Al-Fauzan's-May Allaah Preserve him- book "Rulings pertaining to muslim women".

The books mentioned the bleed of pregnant women , two or three days before delivery due to contractions, being Nifaas.  Shaykhul Islaam Ibin Taymeeyah said "The blood seen when the woman starts her contractions is Nifaas and it is not limited to two days or three days. These contractions are followed by delivery or otherwise the released blood is not Nifaas".(from "Natural blood.......)

So my questions are:

My wife is near her expected due date-Allaahu 'Alam and her contractions are coupled with bleeding.
1. Does she take this ruling?(Nifaas rulings)and
2. Is it correct in telling her not to Pray?

السلم عليكم ورحمةالله
زاهر(Zaahir Al Buerto Riki)
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by zaahir.abd on 11-11-04 @ 9:20 AM

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