Topic: Eating sandwiches/wings with both hands for suppport.

Malik.Swift    -- 31-05-2004 @ 12:38 AM
  As Salaam Alaikum

Sometimes I see brothers eating chicken wings, burgers and sandwiches with both hands.  Their excuse is that it is impossible or impractical to use only one hand to eat certain foods.  Furthermore, out of necessity they can use both hands.  I stated either stabilize it with both hands but release your left hand before you put it in your mouth or cut the food in smaller portions.

What is the scholars view under the aforementioned circumstance?  What are the circumstances when you can eat with one hand?  What are the punishments for eating with the left hand when your right hand is functional?  Furthermore, sometimes a person tries to hand someone something and they extend their left hand to accept it, and the other person who is delivering it withholds from transferring the item until the right hand is extended, is this permissible?  Please pass this on to the ulema?


Abu Mu'aawiyah Malik ibn Marguerite

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