Topic: Permissibility of anti-psychotic drugs

Jafar.Rich    -- 27-04-2004 @ 10:34 AM

A brother is being held in a psychiatric hospital and sometimes refuses medication, claiming that the Islamic methods of cure - the Qur'aan, black seed, honey, etc. - are enough for him. However, unless he complies with the prescribed medication, he will not be released. Is there any advice for this brother? Is there any reason Islamically for him to refuse medication? In short, what is the ruling on psychoactive medication? May Allaah cure our brother. Aameen.

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

Ja'far ibn Richard ibn Victor Railton


abdul-moqueet.murad    -- 03-05-2004 @ 11:58 AM

Dear brother Jafar,

I am a salafi who was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. My father is a physician. I personally went through a period of psychosis and and I can tell you that psychoactive drugs are administered in the kingdom. Another very important thing is that according to the doctors, everything has a psychological and physical side. Hence, becoming psychotic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is different from becoming psychotic in UK. I cannot direct you to a fatwa but I can tell you that going against the psychiatrist may result in more harm. May Allaah cure our brother. Ameen.  


Murad ibn Muhammad Abdul Moqueet


al.Arabaanee    -- 25-07-2004 @ 8:38 PM
  Wa alaikumussalam

These doctors are humans and can error on purpose or other than that. It is really up to the person to know if he needs help or not. If he is in a situation where he is held against his will and told to take these drugs or that he will not be released then maybe it would be wise to take them just to get out because if he was doing what he was supposed to be doing he may not have been there in that situation in the first place and Allah knows best. The Kuffar in general do things for worldly reasons. So if a Kaafir wants you to take these drugs no matter what his/her qualifications may be I doubt that they would be trying to advise you with something that would better you in your Deen and the hereafter. Even a Muslim doctor who does not have knowledge of the Deen may give you bad advise.

Abu Khadijah Abdurrahman ibn Tony Curtis Lawson

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