Topic: Laa...laa!

AbooTasneem    -- 14-04-2004 @ 8:27 AM
  Every Tuesday shortly after the Fajr prayer, Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan, may Allaah preserve him has a class where he elaborates upon or explains the important book Bulooghul Maraam.

The students yesterday began the book of Hudood, chapter of Zinaa.

It was very beneficial indeed. After the class, I waited for the shaikh to leave the masjid and walk with him home, to ask him a question that I had always desired an answer to.

I said to the shaikh: "Unfortunately, in America many of the muslims before their acceptance of Islaam have committed zinaa and may Allaah forgive us. The question is: If a man committed zinaa with a woman, then later on they both embraced Islaam.

She getting married to another man and bearing a daughter. Is it permissible for the first man [from her jaahiliyyah] to marry her daughter?

The shaikh said:
"Laa (No)!"

Unfortunately, I neglected to ask him another important, related question.

So after the Asr prayer, I walked with him again, headed towards his home and asked him: "With regards to the question I asked this morning, the question is now, will he be [considered] a mahram for that woman's daughter?"

The replied:
"Laa (No)!"

It saddens me that these occasional walks to his home to ask questions and receive my 'share of the inheiritance' will soon cease (even though he will still be a khateeb and teacher at the masjid), because the shaikh and his brothers have purchased some land in another neighborhood and will be residing there - inshaa Allaah - on that land.

Wallaahul Musta'aan!

Dawud Adib the son of David C.White Sr.

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

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