Topic: For the Hujjaaj

AbooTasneem    -- 06-01-2004 @ 10:27 AM
  The Imaam ash-Shaafi?ee of our time, Shaikh Muhammad ibnu Saalih al-?Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah was asked the question:

Is there a salaah specifically for (putting on) the Ihraam?

There is no specific salaah for the donning of Ihraam, but if the person arrives to the meeqaat (the place where one usually puts on the ihram) and it is near the time of the obligatory prayers, then it is more suitable to delay putting on the ihraam until he performs the obligatory prayer, then put on the ihraam.

As for him arriving at the meeqaat at a time other than the obligatory prayer [times], at that time he does what is well-known; performs ghusl as he would for sexual defilement (and the like), perfumes himself, then puts on the clothing of ihraam.

Afterward, if he desires to pray (for instance) Salaatud Duhaa - if it is the time of Duhaa - or to pray the Sunnah for wudoo if it was not the time of Duhaa and don the ihraam after that, then that is fine.

As for there being a specific salaah (like many people believe simply) for [putting on the] ihraam, then this has not been (authentically) reported from the Prophet sallallaahu ?alaihe wa sallam.

Taken from ?Fataawaa Arkaanil Islaam? page 519, question # 470.

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

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