Topic: differing from the kuffaar on their holidays

shahid393    -- 04-01-2004 @ 2:52 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum,

in my city, some of the muslims designated the eve of the kaafir new year as a time that they were going to spend making i'tikaaf in their center, making worship, and listening to lectures from local hizbees.  there reason for doing this, as they say, was to differ from the kuffaar.

my first thought was that this was in imitation of the kuffaar, as i know of christians here that say that they don't celebrate halloween, so they call it saint eve's day and they go to the church, many of them in costume, and have activities, food, etc.

then i thought about that many times there are salafee conferences or events that take place over these kaafir holidays.  so, i am unclear on this matter.

can what these hizbees have done be considered as differing from the kuffaar, or imitating them?

i know that there was a recent talk on this, i tried to listen to it on paltalk, but some ignorant fool started to disrupt the room, so i went to the spubs room.  if anyone has some notes from the talk, that would be appreciated.

aboo husaam shaheed williams

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