Topic: Shaykh Ubayd on Living with the In-Laws (Translated)

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 27-11-2003 @ 1:18 PM
  Posted with permission of

oummou.assia    -- 27-11-2003 @ 5:23 PM
  bissmillahi ar rahmani arrahim
assalam alaykoum

on which tape on salafi douroos is this q&a session taken from?
jazakoum Allahou khairan for underlining this issue.

" al haqqou min rabbikoum" (Ali 'Imran).

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 27-11-2003 @ 6:15 PM
  Wa'alaykissalaam wa rahmatullaah

Wa iyaaki ka thaalik.  The date of session is shown on the attachment.  I don't know if the audio is available on tape or otherwise but you could try doing a search on the Salafi Duroos web-site and select Shaykh Ubayd where the name of the speaker is requested.

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 28-11-2003 @ 9:28 PM
  I'm sorry I think I misunderstood your question.  This clip was not taken from a set lesson as such.  It was one of several translated open sessions that Shaykh Ubayd did this summer during one of the dawrahs.  It may be titled 'Q&A session' or something similar.

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 08-04-2005 @ 2:20 PM

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