Topic: The Permanent Committee on praying in a place that has pictures on the walls, especially on the wall in the qiblah direction

Moosaa    -- 15-09-2003 @ 10:26 AM
  The council was asked about prayer in the workplace, in a room that has pictures of people hanging on the wall in front of them.  Is the prayer valid and should they continue praying in such a place?

The answer: The prayer is valid, and this does not harm them, in shaa' Allaah, if they were pressed to pray in such a place, due to the absence of a nearby masjid.  However, it is binding on them to do their best working with their supervisors to remove the pictures from this place, or to provide another place that does not have pictures, since prayer in a place that has pictures in front of the people is a kind of imitation of the worshippers of idols, and a number of narrations have come showing the prohibition of imitating the enemies of Allaah and the order to oppose them.  Also, one should know that hanging pictures of things with souls on the walls is an affair that is not permissible, it is from the avenues of excessiveness and shirk, especially when they are pictures of honored people.  And we ask Allaah to grant success and guidance to all.

And through Allaah is the success, and may Allaah's Salaah and Salaam be upon our Prophet, and upon his family and Companions.

Member: 'Abdullaah ibn Qu'ood
Member: 'Abdullaah ibn Ghudayaan
Vice-Head: 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee
Head: 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdillaah ibn Baaz

Source: Fatwaa #1874, as quoted in the Fataawaa of the Lajnah (6/251)

Moosaa Richardson

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