Topic: fiqh books by Shaikh ibn Baaz

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 18-06-2003 @ 5:02 AM
  Imaam Bin Baaz explained Buloogh ul-Maraam in its entirety in over 60 tapes ? this is available at Ibn Rajab, so be sure to check their indexes. As for a published version of the explanation, then no, I don?t think so. Perhaps the closest you will get to a published account of the Shaykh?s various rulings in fiqh is his fataawaa, which are available in 20 or so volumes. I recently saw an advertisement on Sahab in which these fataawaa were being sold for a shocking 130 riyals, which is less then 2 dollars per volume! Look there to see if this deal is still in effect.

As for mutoon in fiqh, then I can give a brief overview of what is available as far as Hanbalee fiqh:

(1) ?Umdat ul-Fiqh (عمدة الفقه) by the Mujaahid, the Mountain of Knowledge, Imaam Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee (d. 620)

It is the first of four consecutive works in fiqh developed by the great Imaam. In a recorded lecture, Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh said that Shaykh ?Abdur-Razzaaq ?Afeefee (d. 1414) said that Ibn Qudaamah preceded the modern-day educational systems by developing this a four-tiered fiqh program: (a) ?Umdat ul-Fiqh for the elementary level, (b) al-Muqni? for the middle-school level, (c) al-Kaafee for the high-school level, and (d) al-Mughnee for the university level. Anyhow, this book is very good and concise and was recommended by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (and Imaam Ibn ?Uthaymeen I believe) for beginners. I have a copy printed by Sharkat ir-Riyaadh (1421/144 pages).

Explanations include that of his student, Ibn Ibraaheem al-Maqdisee (d. 624), called ?al-?Uddah Sharh il-?Umdah.? It is an excellent book and is widely-available. This print, published by Maktabat Nizaar Mustafaa al-Baaz (1421/580 pages) is nicely-done and has a very thorough takhreej/tahqeeq. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728) also explained ?Umdat ul-Fiqh, but it is incomplete and clearly not for beginners. About three volumes of it have been published. Also, Shaykh ?Abdul-?Azeez ar-Raajihee has explained this work on tape ? it?s a very good explanation, but the Shaykh interacts with his students a lot, and you often can?t hear the questions they are asking him, which makes it difficult to follow the lectures.

(2) Zaad ul-Mustaqni? (زاد المستقنع) by Sharf ud-Deen al-Hajaawee (d. 968)

This is actually an abridgement of al-Muqni? (by Ibn Qudaamah, see above). It is very popular in Saudi Arabia and has been explained (either completely or in parts) numerous times by various Scholars. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan has been explaining this book on Paltalk for quite some time already.

As for printed explanations, there is of course ?ar-Rawd ul-Murbi?? by Mansoor al-Buhootee (d. 1051) which is an excellent explanation. I have a beautiful copy printed by Maktabat Daar il-Bayaan (1420/517 pages). The editor paid extra attention to mentioning the differences in manuscripts, and due to the nature of the explanation, it benefits greatly from two-colored text (i.e. the original words in red, the explanation in black). Also, Imaam Ibn ?Uthaymeen has a monumental explanation of Zaad ul-Mustaqni? taken from his 300+ tapes, titled ?ash-Sharh ul-Mumti? ?ala Zaad il-Mustaqni?.? I have an outdated, about 90% complete print of this book which I purchased when the Shaykh was still alive (Mu?assasat Aasaam/1416/8 volumes ? the text and margins are unusually large). The newer, completed 5 volume version is available for free download at his website.

(3) Daleel ut-Taalib (دليل الطالب) by Mar?ee al-Hanbalee (d. 1033)

This book is perhaps well-known due to its famous explanation, ?Manaar us-Sabeel fee Sharh id-Daleel? by Ibraheem Bin Muhammad ad-Duwyaan (d. 1353). The Imaam and Muhaddith Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee performed an exhaustive takhreej of Manar us-Sabeel in 9 volumes. I have seen a print of Manaar us-Sabeel in one volume by al-Maktab al-Islaamee in which the hukm of Shaykh al-Albaanee on each of the ahaadeeth was placed in the margins. In summary, it?s a very nice book which some of today?s Scholars also teach.

(4) Akhsar al-Mukhtasaraat (أخصر المختصرات) by Ibn Bulbaan (d. 1083)

As the name suggests, this is an ultra-light fiqh manual designed for memorization, which is why the author deliberately left out the daleel and only gave the rulings. I have a copy only because Shaykh Ahmad Shaakir (d. 1377) compiled a book of small treatises in ?aqeedah (Kitaab ut-Tawheed, al-Usool ath-Thalaathah, Lum?at al-I?tiqaad, al-Waasitiyyah, etc) and happened to include this mini-fiqh manual towards the end of the book. It?s only 44 pages long. Ibn Jibreen, may Allaah guide him, explained this work in many tapes, around 60 or 70.

(5) Manhaj us-Saalikeen (منهج السالكين) by Ibn Sa?dee (d. 1376)

This is the book which Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee just began explaining last Wednesday. Check the announcement here on SalafiTalk for more information and an electronic copy of this book.

And there are others, like al-Muharar fil-Fiqh of Majd id-Deen Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 652) and ?Umdat ut-Taalib of al-Buhootee (d. 1051), but the aforementioned books are the most well-known books which have been recommended and/or explained by the Scholars of past and present. Finally, anyone should feel free to add something or correct me if I erred.

And Allaah knows best.

Abu 'Abdul-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 6-18-03 @ 5:24 AM

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 25-06-2003 @ 4:01 PM
  I just aquired a copy of Manaar us-Sabeel as mentioned above and the details are as follows:

منار السبيل وحاشيته الأنوار على منار السبيل من إرواء الغليل
Manaar us-Sabeel wa Haashiyat al-Anwaar 'ala Manaar is-Sabeel min Irwaa' il-Ghaleel by Ibraheem Bin Muhammad Duwyaan (d. 1353) with the takhreej of the Imaam and Muhaddith Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (d. 1420).

Published by al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 1st Print, 1421/2000. 809 pages (it's a rather large volume). Edited and checked by Zuhayr ash-Shaaweesh. The editing and overall quality of the publication is very good - a lot of work went into the book, and it shows. And while this is no beginner's fiqh manual, it serves well as a middle-level (mutawasit) book to which you can return for daleel and varying opinions on the masaa'il.

Abu 'Abdul-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

abu.abdul.azeez    -- 31-08-2003 @ 1:38 AM
  Download an an electronic copy of 'Umdat ul-Fiqh here:

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

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