Topic: Pocket Size Quran

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 27-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Bismillahir Rahmeenir Raheem

Assalaamu'laikum warahmtullah

Does anyone know of a ruling on caring a
pocket size quran for use of memorization?

Barkallahu feekum


Rajaey ibn Abdilhameed al Phalasteeni

abusalmaan    -- 28-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  بيم الله الرحمان الرحيم

I'm not sure on the intent of this question. What would be doubtful about carrying a mushaf large or small around for the purpose of memorising? can you expand on your question a bit or have you been told something by someone about this? As it seems and Allaah knows best, making an issue out of nothing. As an advice then what comes to mind is the hadeeth wherein the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم The worst of people in the sight of the people is the one who asks about something that is halal but because of his constant questioning it becomes haraam. please refer to the manners of the teacher and the student of knowledge taken from the hadeeth of Jibreel as it has a nice chapter on asking questions. translated by Abu Talha Daawud Burbank حفظه الله

و الله أعلم

أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم

والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر

Abu.AbdilHameed    -- 28-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Bismillahir rahmanir raheem,


My intent, barkallahu feek, is to find out if, due to the chance that a person might neglect the quran (because of its size), it permissible to carry it.  

Sometimes a person might forget it in his pocket and go to the hammam,
or if it is in his jacket, throw his jacket down.  Or is it ok to put the mushaaf in your thobe side pocket or pants pocket ...  Just as a manner of treating the quraan in the proper manner, without being extreme (i.e. kissing it).
And Allahu 'Alam, my intention was just to post a question for a brother.  

Barkallahu feek,
wassalaamu'laikum warahmatullah

Rajaey Ibn AbdilHameed al Phalastinee

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