Topic: Wearing a suit for a job interview

ekbal.hussain    -- 04-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Assala mu Alaikum

What is the ruling on wearing a suit and tie for a job interview?  I reside in the United kingdom, London, and I am hoping to get an interview with a British telecom company, as a systems technician.  The job requires you to wear smart clothing (suit and tie), and involves driving around and the city to other companies, to install or fix their telecom networks.  So I would like to know if I would be allowed to wear a suit, or at least a shirt and tie, given my situation?  

Barrak Allahu feek

idris.alvarez    -- 15-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Bismillah Wal Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu alla rasul lihla(sallahu alayhi wa salam) wa ba'ad:

Assalamu alaykum:

Please can anyone from the students of knowledge or can someone ask one of the scholars about this question that was posted here?

I have heard that we shouldn't dress similar to the kafirun, so inshallah can someone respond to this.

Jazallah khair wa barakallah feek

Abu Mu'adh Idris ibn Abdul Karim

abdul.azeem    -- 15-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM

Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu!

I advice you brothers to listen to a beautiful tape by Shaikh Muhammad
Nasiruddeen Al Albani (Rahimahullahu ta'ala) titled:

'Living in the lands of disbelievers'.
I think the brothers at troid have this and I remember seeing it
on salafibookstore. Recently I met the brothers at East Orange who
handed over a booklet with list of tapes. I remember seeing this

If I am correct it was available for free download on
I heard this speech about an year from now.

The shaikh discusses this issue. So please listen to this tape.

Wa'assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakaathuhu!

Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

This message was edited by abdul.azeem on 2-15-03 @ 4:30 AM

shahid393    -- 15-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum,

i don't know if this is the same speech that you were referring to, but this is available at salafiaudio for free download:

shahid williams

abdul.azeem    -- 16-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM

Assalaamuaalaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu!

Jazakallahu Khair for your e-mail. This is the one.

"Rulings for Residing in the Lands of the Kuffaar"

Our da?wah and our ?aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da?wah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth..Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

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