Topic: The fiqh of the Khutbah

AbuMaalik    -- 25-11-2009 @ 7:35 AM
  As-salaam 'alaikam Akhwaan - I work as a volunteer chaplain in New Mexico's prison where we are helping build libraries, establishing Jumu'ah and spreading the D'awatu Salafiyyah and we are trying to create a packet for the imams in the prison on how to give the khutbah. We want to include the fiqh of the Khutbah and include some basic khutbahs. Could some send me a basic format on how to perform the khutbah? also, we are always looking for materials to give to the Brothers and sister in prison so if you are interested in helping out, please send anything to help out to:

Prison D'awah Outreach Program
C/O Omar Abu Maalik
P.O. Box 67065
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7065

We are not looking for money but for books, articles or anything else for the Brothers and Sisters. Jazakum Allahu Al-Khair.

Wa 'alaiam As-salaam,
Omar Abu Maalik

"This time is a time for gentleness, patience and wisdom, it is not a time for harshness, Most of the people are in a state of ignorance and neglect, influenced by the worldly things. Because of this it is necessary to have patience and gentleness until t

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