Main Discussion Forums |
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General Discussion
A general forum for any subject. This is a good place to ask and learn about general affairs of Islaam. |
3165 |
7878 |

Affairs of Aqeedah
You can post questions and articles in relation to the affairs of the Salafi Aqidah and what opposes it. |
390 |
1627 |

Affairs of Manhaj
You can post questions and articles in relation to the affairs of the Salafi Methodology and what opposes it. |
704 |
2364 |

In Defense of the Scholars
Repelling the doubts spread against the firmly established scholars of the Ummah. |
47 |
74 |

Live Links, Conferences, Seminars, Gatherings and Circles
This forum can be used to advertise forthcoming events, such as 'Live Salafi Duroos' and 'Live!' on |
931 |
1985 |

Food and Health Matters (read only)
Health is one of the most precious favours Allaah has given to His servants, the most generous of His gifts, and most plentiful of His bounties... |
6 |
7 |

The Innovated Principles of Ali al-Halabi and his followers
Continuing the work of Banna, Awdah, Abdul-Khaliq, Ar'oor, and al-Ma'ribi |
12 |
33 |

Affairs of Fiqh
Here you can learn about the rulings concerning affairs of worship (ibaadah) and dealings (mu'aamalah) from the Book and the Sunnah. |
911 |
2186 |

Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon, Qutbiyyah, Takfiris, Extremists, Terrorists
Refutations against the ideologies of Sayyid Qutb, Hassan al-Banna, Mawdudi and others. |
44 |
125 |

Family, Marriage and Children
Please use this forum to post information related to establishing an Islamic home. You can even post material on behalf of children. |
179 |
343 |

Misconceptions around Salafiyyah - Terrorism etc..
Addressing the misconceptions spread both by the deviant sects and misinformed journalists that the Salafis support and promote terrorism, and that suicide bombers adhere are salafis. |
116 |
196 |

Innovation and Innovators - Principles and Guidlines
This section is for the discussion of innovations in beliefs, worship, and methodologies. |
223 |
647 |

Purification of the Soul, Cultivation, Manners
Here you can learn about purification of the soul, nurturing oneself upon the Islamic manners, and general improvement of oneself, one's deen and one's relation with Allaah. |
373 |
812 |

Books and Corrections - Guidance in Seeking Knowledge
Information and resources in giving direction and guidance to students engaged in seeking knowledge of the deen of Islaam and the Sunnah. |
574 |
1565 |

For Students of Knowledge
This forum is for students of knowledge to discuss affairs relating to the Salafi da'wah. |
391 |
1008 |

Board Announcements (read only)
From time to time we will make announcements on issues relating to this board or more generally in relation to the da'wah. |
37 |
40 |
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