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» Shaikh Faalih Al Harbee exposes the deviation of Jami'at Ahl ul Hadeeth, (India-Pakistan-Bangladesh )
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02-01-2004 @ 7:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaikh Faalih Al Harbee exposes the deviation of Jami'at Ahl ul Hadeeth, (India-Pakistan-Bangladesh )

Bismillaah ar rahman ar raheem

Alhamdulillah As-Salatu Wa-Assalaamu Alaa Rasoolillah.

From Abu Hurairah (Radhiallahu anhu) who said that Allah's Messenger(Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "The trustworthy ones in every generation will carry this knowledge. They will remove from it the distortions of the excessive ones, the false claims of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant people."

[Takhreej: Majmoo al-Fatawa of Ibn Taymiyyah (15/298), ar-Rawd al-Basim of Ibn al-Wazeer al-Yamaani(1/21-23),Takhreej ul-Mishkaat of al-Albanee(1/82-83, no.248),Hadiyy]
[Thahdheeb Sharaf Ashaabul-Hadeeth of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (p.57-58)]
[Source: article id: SLF030001]

Know, my brothers and sisters from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh who the Carriers of the Sunnah are in our times! Undoubtedly, Al-Allamah Ash-Shaikh Faalih ibn Nafie Al Harabee Hafidhahullah is one among them so know him before you proceed from the trustworthy ones who preceeded them, and from whom the likes of Ash-Shaikh Falih have inherited lest the Ahl-Ash-Shubah should confuse you.

The Praise of the Scholars for Shaykh Falih al-Harbee and Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee

Today the reality of this Jamiyyah has been exposed and I feel grieved by the fact that they could not inherit from the likes of Al-Allamah Nawab Siddique Hassan Khan al-Kannouji, Abdur Rahman al Mubarakfooree, Aboo Tayyib Shams-ul-Haq al-Adheemabadee and Ubaydullah al Mubarakfooree (rahimahumullah). Whoever wishes to know how the knowledge passes away then see the land of Muhadditheen, al-Hind, which is void of a Rabbani Alim, adhering to the Manhaj of the Salaf inspite of the fact that once there were Muhadditheen who filled this land with knowledge. Those who represent the Jamiyyah did not become the students of the Ulamaa, learning from them, referring back to them in the matters of Aqueedah, Manhaj , Walaa and Baraa but instead due to their Jahl they became self proclaimed scholars and they have none to affirm that for them. They are bold to pass rulings in the affairs of the Muslims without knowledge causing seperation and destruction. If only they had followed what Allah has commanded them:

"And surely many do lead (mankind) astray by their own desires through lack of knowledge. Certainly your Lord knows best the transgressors."(Al-An'am 6:119).

" ask the Ahl Az-Zikr if you do not know." (Al-Anbiya 21:7)

So I say, return to the Ulamaa and do not become self-proclaimed scholars!

Imam Ibn al Quayyim (rahimahullah) reports in his book:
That Imam Malik narrated: Until SEVENTY of my usthaadh(Teachers,scholars) gave me  sanad(approval,tazkiyyah, ijaazah) that I have become suitable to pronounce legal verdicts (fatawas), I never ever gave a fatwa. It is not befitting for a human being that he should all by himself deem to be an ahl(inheritor) of something(work, field, knowledge) unless those well versed(specialists, scholars, ) do not say that.

[For example:- In the tape entitled " Al-Muwaazanaat: A modern-day Innovation" given by Al-Albaanee, the Shaikh added more to his praise for Shaikh Rabee'. After talking about this present-day innovation (of Muwaazanaat), the Shaikh stated:
"And in brief, I say that the Carrier of the Flag of (the science of)  Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel today, in this present time, and rightfully so, is our brother, Dr. Rabee'. And those who refute him, do not do so with knowledge at all. And the knowledge is with him. ı This is the approval, tazkiyyah but as far as the self proclaimed scholars, we seek refuge in Allah.]

Imam Malik continues:- Until I consulted with Imam Raabi'aa and Imam Yahya Ibn Sa'eed, and until they ordered me to give this fatwa I did't initiate giving fatawas. And if these elders( Imams, these knowledgeable ones,these ulemaa) had stopped me , then Wallah I would have stopped. [Taken from Ilam ul Muwaqqi'een an' rabbil aalameen, volume 2, page 474, Urdu Translation. Arabic , volume 4, page 166].

While Shaikh Rabee (hafidhahullah) travelled and the Muhaddith Ubaydullah al Mubarakfooree (rahimahullah) affirmed knowledge for him and this is the Manhaj of Ahl-us-Sunnah Wal Jamaah.

[Refer: ]

So I say, return back to the Kibaar Ulamaa and do not lead yourself and others astray. Else you will bear the burden.

Allah says: "They will bear their own burdens in full on the Day of Resurrection, and also of the burdens of those whom they misled without knowledge. Evil indeed is that which they shall bear!" (An-Nahl 16:25)

Note:- Shaikh Falih (hafidhahullah) has spoken in detail about
the MEMBERSHIP FORM, Jamiyyah Ahle Hadees Hind distributed in 2002. This will be posted separately and Insha Allah the audio file will be made available soon. Below is the transcription of the translated speech.

Translation done by Brother Sameer bin Qaasim bin Abdul Al lateef As Salafee.

We spoke to the Shaikh, the Allaamah[1], the bearer of the flag of the Sunnah and one of the heads of Salafiyyah Abee Abdurrahmaan Faalih bin Nafie Al Harbee Hafidhullaah on the night of Saturday after the Ishaa prayer, the twelfth of Shawaal the year fourteen hundered and twenty-four after the hijrah and then in the morning of Saturday:

So we said: O Shaik Faalih bin Nafie al Harbee Hafidhullaah[2] wa baarakallaahu feek! You have said to us that the Ahl ul-Hadeeth in India were the strongest of the people in India in holding tightly to the Book and the Sunnah. But sadly, something of the Manhaj[3] of the Qutubiyyah[4] and the Mumayyieen[5] - those who affiliate themselves to Salafiyyah while they are not from it in reality - entered into them recently. Also that they entered Siyaasah[6]. We hope that you explain and clarify to us, how was their change from (once) being strong Salafees to what they are on today.

He hafidahullaah said: My brother!... the Ahl hadeeth in India used to affiliate themselves to the Hadeeth. They are the best of the groups present (in India), for they are not from the Mutasawwifah[7] and they are not from the followers of the deviant Madhaahib[8] but they have remained ignorant of the Salafee Manhaj and the Salafee Aqeedah[9] and I do not know that they have acquaintance with the Salafee Manhaj and the Salafee Aqeedah and the Usool[10] of Ahl us Sunnaah Wa al Jamaah[11].

However they do take from the Hadeeth and they oppose the Mutasawwifah and oppose also the Muta'assib[12] Hanafees who have ta'assub[13] towards the Hanafee Madhaahib.

They debate with them and they rely on the Hadith and they say "Do not bind us with the persons or the Madhaahib or the A'immah, but bind us with the hadeeth, from the Book and the Sunnah. And what you people bind us with from the speech of our Ulaama[14] is not binding on us because we take from the sayings from our Ulaama and abandon them also. So whatever is in accordance with the daleel[15], we take it and whatever opposes the daleel, we do not take it and we abandon it. While you (people), take from the Hanafee Madhaib (only) and take the Hanafee Madhaaib as obligatory and if you do not take it as obligatory then you would be like us and (there would be) no disagreement between us".

So they used to prevail over them i.e.; the Hanafees Muta'assib to the Hanafee Madhhab and you know the Hanafees in your country.

     But they as I said did not have Ilm[16] or good awareness of the Manhaj of Ahl us Sunnah Wal Jamaah and their Usool and what these Usool necessitates. The Ulama from the Kingdom (i.e.; of Saudi Arabia) came to them and from other than it (i.e.; the kingdom). Also the doctor Taqi'ud-Deen Al Hilaalee (rahimahullaah) came and taught them and found with them things in the decided syllabus in their Jaamiyat[17] and Madaaris[18] that had the Madhhab of the Ashariyyah[19] and some of the (other) Madhabs.

I asked "Ashariyyah"?

He hafidhahullaah said: Yes they were teaching and giving lessons from some of the books which contained Ashariyyah and some of the things that oppose the Aqeedah of Ahl us Sunnah Wa al Jamaah so they made them aware of it. From among them (i.e.; who came to them) is Shaykh Rabee ibn Hadee al Madhkalee, the Shaykh Saalih as Suhaymee and also the doctor Hilaalee (i.e. Taqi ud-Deen) whom I have mentioned, and others from the Ulaama of Ahl us Sunnaah Wa al Jamaah, the Salafees. They laid down for them a Manhaj and distanced the books that were in Philosophy, the Asharee Madhhab and Ta-weel[20] and Ilm al Kalaam[21]. They distanced these books and (thus) their condition became somewhat better.
     Then after that came the evil tree and it is the tree of the Ikhwaan Al Muslimoon[22] and it spread. It is a Siyaasee tree, plotting against Islaam and its people sadly, and it does not give consideration to [anything] except persons (figureheads) and the Ikhwaanee symbols and the akhbaar of Siyaasaah. They have their own Usool and whatever they venerate and honour, and what they laid down from themselves. And the likes of Al Banna took from their symbols and those who came after Al Banna. They mix with all the sects and show walaa[23] to them, even the Raafidaah[24]! Something that the one who is on the Sunnaah and the Manhaj of Ahl us Sunnah Wal Jamaah will not accept. And they bear enmity against Ahl us Sunnah; they bear against them a strange enmity.

     So the condition remained (like that) and most of them were from Egypt, then they trickled down into the other Islaamic countries and the Madhab of Al Mawdudee got established amongst you. Later, Sayyid Qutub took from Al Mawdudee and from Al Banna and took from the likes of them and did ghuluww[25] in (doing) takfeer[26] and followed the Madhhab of the Khawarijj[27] who deviated away.

And whoever got influenced by them, got influenced, sadly, from among those who are named as the Qutbiyyah[28] or as the Surooriyyah[29] or whatever name they are given or title, or whatever description they are described with, they (all) come out from under the garb of the Ikhwaan Al Muslimeen. Their root is the Ikhwanee Madhhab from [whose tenets] is that the aim justifies the means!! They took the qaaidah from Machiavelli, the Yahoodee... then they spread, especially those who are named the Qutubiyyah, the followers of Sayyid Qutb and the followers of the Qutbee, the one who is from the students of Sayyid Qutb and he did ghuluww in (praise of) Sayyid Qutb and he is Muhammad Suroor Zayn Al Aabideen. He was in the Kingdom, then in Kuwait, then in London.

They see themselves to be Salafees and (at the same time) that they are modern, contemporary. [That they are] Salafee and from Ahl us Sunnah in Aqeedah and contemporary in their orientation. Meaning (that they are) upon the (likes of the) madhhab of the Khawarijj of the modern days. So they did Talbees[30] on the people and said, "that the Salafiyyah of Taqleed[31] is of no avail and it is Salafiyyah of the graves, and the graves (and their being worshipped) have ended, having no existence. The shirk now is the shirk of the defect (in the perfection of Tawheed) and not the direct opposite of Tawheed like grave worship etc.".

     Then they have trickled down towards you (people) in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan and influenced the people in these countries. So there was change, following this deception that the Ikhwaan al Muslimoon came with, their Manhaj changed and they became Qutbiyyah and (some became) Ikhwanees and (some) entered into Siyaasah.

And the matter of Ihsaan Ilahee Zaheer is known, (as is) his assassination and his proclamation in siyaasah, when (some) from the Ulaama from the Kingdom went from here, they found them doing demonstrations and proclaiming and calling out ... that they are a Hizb[32] or that they have some significance and the matter became that these Ahl ul-Hadeeth changed.

In addition to that the Ahl ul-Hadeeth before that, there were from them the Mutashaddid, the Mutasaahil and the Mutawassit. This was all due to their Jahl[33] about the Salafee Manhaj and lack of awareness of its rules. So I think that the Ahl ul Hadeeth now are in the worst of their conditions and Allahu alam and "everyone claims to have contact with Laylaa and while Laylaa does not affirm that for them".

It will not be accepted from them what they claim that they are Ahl ul-Hadeeth and they are on the [Sharıee] Siyaasah that Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamaaıah are upon. It is only "name your men to us ", then it will be looked into whether they follow the rules of Ahl us Sunnah wal jammah and the rules of Ahl al hadeeth.

     Because "Ahl ul-Hadeeth" for us is not just a claim (that is made), Ahl ul Hadeeth with us, when we say Ahl ul-Hadeeth it is like (saying) Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamaah, when we say Ahl ul-Hadeeth it is like (saying) At Taaifah al Mansoorah[34] and Al Firqah an-Naajiyah[35], When we say Ahl ul-Hadeeth it is like (saying) Ahl ul-Athar, when we say Ahl ul-Hadeeth it is like the Ahl us- Sunnah. So for them there is no other way except that, their Manhaj should be one and their Usool should be one and their laying down of Usool, walaa[36] and baraa[37], and their mutual affection should be one and they should come together on the Sunnah. The Sunnah unites them as Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, and bidah divides them. Such is Ahl us Sunnaah. He said in the book of al Istiqaamah, "The Sunnah is joined to the Jamaa'ah as the Bid'ah is joined to division. So as it is said Ahl us-Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah it may be said Ahl al-Bid'ah wal Firqah (the people of Bid'ah and division/separation into sects)".

     "Every one claims to have contact with Laylaa while Laylaa does not affirm that for them"!

     My brother, everyone who makes claims (to being Ahl ul-Hadeeth) will not be have it accepted, along with all these inclinations and disagreement that are among them, and the sternness of some of them upon the others, and this one calling to siyaasah and this one going into the Qutubiyyah and drowned in it, and some times becoming from the Khawaarij who deviated away, those who did takfeer of the Muslims by their sins.

From where did they take (all of) this? From where did it come to the Ahl ul Hadeeth? It came to the Ahl ul-Hadeeth from the dawah of Al Banna, the dawah of Sayyid Qutb. You know that Sayyid Qutb did ghuluww in doing takfeer and he was on the madhhab of the Khawaarij al Bayhasiyyah, the worst of the Khawaarij and greatest of them in ghuluw previously, the follower of Ibn Bayhas. Then they came to you with the name of Salafiyah and they took for themselves the name of Salafiyyah.

     And my brother the Salafiyyah, which is present among you people, is the [so called] Salafiyyah which is springing out here among us meaning there are those who claim (to be on) Salafiyyah and say that they are Salafees, and say Jihaadee Salafees, this is what is present among you (people).

There could be found earnest or serious Salafees among you (people) but I am upon certainty that those who are here, the thousands of those that claim (to be on) Salafiyyah..., that claim they are Ahl as Sunnaah wa al Jamaa'ah and that they are the people of Tawheed and the people of Salafiyyah Jihadiyyah or people of strong and firm Salafiyyah, (all these claims) while they do takfeer of the people by their sins and blow up the Muslims and rebel against their rulers. They defame the Book and the Sunnah while thinking that they understand the book and the Sunnah. (That is so) because they rely on their understanding and they do not return to the ulamaa of the Muslims and not even towards the Usool of Ahl as Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah and only return to their desires.

So these (type of people) as they are present with us, so they are present with you. I think, rather I am sure that they are present with you. They also bear enmity to the people of Tawheed in the countries of Tawheed and they bear enmity also to the actual Ahl ul-Hadeeth and the Salafiyyah, whereas the Aqeedah reached you (people) from the path of these countries...the dawah of the Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al Wahhab.

But just as there are those who make claims regarding the dawah of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab, claims that it (the dawah is free from), and the Sunnah is free from them and Islaam is free of them, so similarly, the likes of these are found with you also, in the other countries.
     It spread to you and reached you and you are the people of Makkah and "the people of Makkah are most knowledgeable of its mountain paths (meaning you know best that this has occurred among you)".

But I actually am not able to submit (to the claim) that there are Ahl ul-Hadeeth in India, that when Ahl ul-Hadeeth are mentioned now (today), that they are Ahl ul-Hadeeth who are so in their actions, that they are upon what Ahl us Sunnah wa al Jamaa'ah are upon, that they on the manhaj of the Salaf, upon what At- Taa'ifah Al Mansoorah and Al-Firqah an-Naajiyah are upon, [the manhaj] by which they will be helped and in (the presence of) which those who oppose them will not (be able to) harm them nor those who forsake them until the hour is established, [I am not able to submit to this].

The [course of action] regarding them is only [to say] "name your men to us". Then when it is (merely) said, that they are Ahl al Hadeeth, (then) it is not verified whether he is from the Ahl ul-Hadeeth or not.  [Maybe] he does happen to be one who invents new things, from the Ahl al Ihdaath (Ihdaath, inventing new things). This is the summary of what is possible for us to say about the Ahl al Hadeeth.

We do not condemn them completely nor do we give Tazkiyyah to them completely and we do not consider the misguidance to be distanced from them. And they are actually from amongst the sects, despite their claim that they are from the Ahl al Hadeeth. As I said, in the ghuluw of the Ghulaat and the Tawassut[38] of the Mutawassiteen and the Tasaahul[39] of the Mutasaahileen is what proves this, and you know these disagreements and you know these inclinations (with them) and you know their rules there in your country, all of which proves that there are mistakes, shortcomings (to be found amongst them).

If the mistakes were not there, there would not have been from them the Imaamiyyah and the people of bai'ah who receive the ba'iah done while they are not Rulers (to whom bai'ah is actually due)[40]. They understand the hadeeth " Whoever dies without the Bai'ah (binding) on his neck dies a death of Jaahiliyyah". And they answer any person who (calls people) to do baiıah to him and view that (the hadeeth is for) the one who does not give baiıah to this person, who has no bai'ah (to him in the sharee'ah). No consideration to be given to him and he is not considered to be the ruler or one of the caretakers of the ruler ship in the Muslims.

     So they come and plant (their roots) firmly and make these Faasid[41] claims. This entered into them due to their ignorance and deviation in their understanding, and the fitnah[42] that spread. They understood the (Book and the Sunnah) on the basis of... And they did not have Fiqh[43] of the deen, nor did they understand it nor did they study from the Ulaama or become students of the Ulaama, the Ulaama of Ahl as Sunnaah, (and) they did not return to the Ulaama of Ahl as Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah. But they only think, the thing that they understand with their affiliation to Salafiyyah and Ahl as Sunnah Wal jamaah and Ahl al hadeeth, that that is the deen. But is this deen understood according to the Manhaj he came with, according to the Sharee texts from the Book and the Sunnah, and what the Salaf understood and the Ulaama? The deen was understood (and explained) in the days of the Messenger and in the honoured generations and after that it remained and Allaah took responsibility of preserving it. His (Allaah (subhaanahu wa taıaalaa)) book is preserved, the Sunnah is similarly preserved the At-Taaıifah Al Mansoorah and the Firqat un-Naajiyah will remain till the establishment of the hour. Those who oppose them and those who forsake them will not (be able) to harm them until the hour is established. This is the essence of what is possible for me to say in reply to your question.

I asked: Shaykh! You're saying that they entered into siyaasah; what is the meaning of this saying?

He hafidahullaah said: This saying of mine, means whoever was influenced by the Ikhwaan al Muslimeen and whoever got impressed and called with the call of these (misguided people) they enter into the parliaments and proclaim and call to acquiring or reaching the ruler ship. And while you know that the Jamaaıah of Al Mawdudee, which the Ahl ul-Hadeeth did wage war against once upon a time and they are remnant in them, that it strives to (get) the ruler ship... And the siyasaah, do you think that the Jamaaıat at Tableegh are not siyasee. It is naively that you think... that the Jamaaıat at Tableegh are not siyaasee and that they do not strive to reach the authority and ruler ship or have influence on the society, until (the time) when they want to pull the carpet from under (the feet of) the ruler, they will do it. They (also) have an inclination of theirs and a siyaasah and those (other ones) have their teaching and upbringing, tarbiyah and a siyaasah as the poet said

"Everyone present desires fishing except that the nets vary".
     The Salafiyyah and the Sunnah does not reject or abandon siyaasah or leadership of the ummah and it is the deen and the state, but according to the proofs of the Shareeah texts. Not according to the faasid siyaasaat or (by) bringing the ideologies from the West or the East.

     The Ikhwaan al Muslimoon actually are a mount for the west (that they are riding), they are workers for the west this is documented with us - and they do not cease in their work for them. Now they go the west, defame the Muslims and rebuke them, then plan to come out in the countries of the Muslims and spill their blood. You (can) see; this (one) raises his voice in London, this (one) raises his voice in America, this (one) raises his voice; (they are) in every place filling the world. They feel secure there and do not speak against the major states with what is there in them (of Kufr) but they speak against the Scholars (of the ruler ship) of the Muslims and their countries, bring down and also defame the Ulaama of the Muslims and their rulers. This deviant siyaasha is the one because of which, certainly as you know was assassinated Ihsaan Elaahee Zaheer...

I asked: Was he a Salafee? O Shaykh! Ihsaan Elaahee Zaheer?

He Hafidahullaah said: I do not know him. I know him to be a siyaasee even when he was in the Jaamiyah al Islaamiyyah but he used to call to the Hadeeth and proclaim that he is a Salafee. Then he was killed Rahimahullah, brought here and buried in Madeenah and considered to be a salafee but I do not recognize that he is a Salafee. We recognize him to be from the siyaasees who passed out from the Jamaah al Islamiyyah with the ideology of the Ikhwaan al Muslimeen and siyaasiyyeen. But he also affiliated himself to the ıAhl ul-Hadeethı and those who aided him were ıAhl ul-Hadeethı and those who shouted behind him and did demonstrations on the streets were ıAhl al Hadeethı.

I asked: Is it permissible to sell his books, tapes etc...

He hafidhullaah said: His books which are on the Raafidaah are known, his criticism on the Raafidah and what he collected against them, bringing their doubts (and refuted them)... and that he used to not leave for his opponents a means (to overcome him in debate and in arguments) and closed the doors on them... what he has written is of avail and benefit in its field. As for his other books, (then) I have not come across them, but I know that the man's ideology was a siyaasee ideology and not a Salafee ideology nor a siyaasah in agreement with the siyaasah of the Salaf according to the Book and the Sunnah.

I said: These Ahl ul-Hadeeth take pride in that the Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahullah said about them that they are a Jamıiyyah of the Salafees in India.

He Hafidahullah said: My brother, we recognize that he said this on the basis of what was.

     Every one of us know my brother!... we in what has preceded said about them such and such, I said they were so and so and that they had such and such Jahl, the Ulaama came to them and they benefited from them and they went ahead and also their condition became good. This can also be said of the Ansaar us Sunnah in Egypt and their spreading to Sudan and the African countries until up to Chad. My brother! We are not unaware such that we do not understand these circumstances and things. We understand their history.     
     In the time that there was with them clarity and they had a sound inclination we know them (how they were then): we know them now and we know them (how they were) before that. When we speak, we speak with knowledge, without knowledge it is not allowed for us to speak.

     You know these things without us mentioning it to you, except if you are away from your (own) society, then that is a different matter.

     Or are you (people) upon other than what we say and other than the path which we are upon or what the Ahl us Sunnah Wal jamaaıah is upon. Every vessel pours out only what is in it.

I said: O Abaa Abd Ar-Rahmaan! Baarakallaahu feek-do you, know what the Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee al Madhkalee said about the Jamıiyyah of Ahl al Hadeeth

He Hafidahullah asked: Said when? Now or Earlier?

I said: Now, now

He Hafidahullah said: Those into whom the qutbees have entered, from among the Bengalese, from you (i.e. Indians) and from every place, what will he say about them? The Shaykh Rabee... he refutes them (Ahl al hadeeth).

I said: Because he came to India and...

He Hafidahullah said: yes, he came to India and I mentioned to you that he came to India. When he came to India... and what was with them of the books (containing oppositions) present in their madaaris and jamıiyyaat, he and those like him corrected them and the people benefited from this. But before how long was this? This was before thirty years. My brother as for these (Ikhwaan) when did they spread and do fasaad in the world and became large numbered here among us in our country and when did they influence (the others)? In the time that Shaikh Rabee went, there was no [widespread] existence of the Qutbees and the Ikhwaan al Muslimoon. Then later on they filled the world with fasaad. This fasaad spreads from here, it became wide spread, and now we are suffering because of it. The jamiyyath here are the ones that are bringing out these (ones) and sending them to you and other places until even the Jamiyah al Islaamiyyah, and Ihasaan Elaahee Zaheer passed out of it (this Jaamiyah)


1 Allaamah: A very great Aalim.

2 Hafidahullaah: May Allaah preserve him.

3 Manhaj: Methodology

4 Qutbiyyah: Followers of Sayyid Qutb or his manhaj

5 Mumayyieen: Those who do Tamyee-Refer to the material of Ubayd al Jaabirie on Salafipublications.

6 Siyaasah: The field of politics and one who is engrossed in it is siyaasee.

7 Mutasawwifah: Those who do Taswwuf-adopting the Soofee manhaj that is misguided asceticism.

8 Madhaahib plural of Madhab: Set of rules or derivations either in Aqeedah or Fiqh Pl: Dhaaib.

9 Aqeedah: Creed, set of beliefs.

10 Usool: Foundational principles.

11 Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jamaah: People of the Sunnaah and the Jamaah.

12 Muta`asib: One who does Ta`assub.

13 Ta`assub: Partisanship or groups, sticking zealously to one's Jamaah or Jamiyaah or madhab etc even when it may go wrong with consideration of the daleel.

14 A`alim: Scholar Plural: Ulaama.

15 Daleel: Proof

16 Ilm: Knowledge

17 Jaamiyah: University Plural: Jaamiyath.

18 Madrasaah: School (islaamic) Plural: Madaaris.

19 Ashariyyah: Followers of the deviant madhab of al Asharee and also the madhab itself -which understands the names and attributes of Allaah differently from the Sahaabah by doing Ta-weel among other deviations. Aboo al Hasan al Asharee later repented and turned back to the way of the Salaf.

20 Ta'weel: Interpretation.

21 Ilm al Kalaam: Knowledge of kalaam-kalaam here implies logic as had been brought into the ummah from the Greek philosophy and then it spread among the Muslims. Many of the deviant sects and/or groups took to kalaam in the matters of Shareeah and even Aqeedah.

22 Ikhwaan al Muslimoon: A group that started in Egypt and deviated from the Manhaj of Ahl us sunnaah
23 Walaa: Mutual friendship, love and loyalty. Walaa in the shareeah is only to the believers and there further elaboration in this topic.

24 Raafidah: those who rejected the Sahaabah, reviled them and even cursed them.

25 Ghuluww: Extremism-one who does ghuluu is ghalee Plural: ghulaah

26 Takfeer: Calling a Muslim as Kaafir-it can be done upon a person only after the proper rules have been applied. Those who hurried in Takfeer deviated and formed Sects.

27 Khawaarijj: Among the first deviant sects, they did Takfeer on the people who did major sins and believed that anyone dying with a major sin on him without Taw bah will enter Hell fire and is a kafir  and went against their rulers after doing Takfeer on them.

28 Qutbiyyah: Followers of Sayyid Qutb or his manhaj

29 Surooriyyah: Followers of Muhammed Suroor or his Manhaj.

30 Talbees: Covering something in a way to hide in the real thing.

31 Taqleed: blind following -one, who does taqleed, is a Muqallid Pl: Muqallideen. Taqleed is allowed for those who cannot derive rulings themselves from the texts of the Book and the Sunnaah, as is the case with the common people.

32 Hizb: Group, party or sect. Hizbiyyah: Forming and dividing into Hizbs (groups).

33 Jahl: Ignorance

34Attaa-ifah al Mansoorah: The helped band of people mentioned in the Hadeeth: "There will not cease to be a taa-ifah (band of people) from my Ummah, victorious on the truth, those who oppose them will not (be able) to harm them nor those who forsake them until the command of Allah comes".

35 Alfirqan annajiyah: The saved sect and it is the Ahl as Sunnah Wal Jamaah

36 Walaa: Mutual friendship, love and loyalty. Walaa in the shareeah is only to the believers and there further elaboration in this topic.

37 Baraa: Quality or state of being baree. Baraa from the Kuffaar is Waajib. Baree: Being free from someone or something with no responsibility towards that person, nor having any friendship or love.
38 Tawassut: taking the middle course- one doing it is a Mutawassit.

39 Tasaahul: Leniency; one who does tasaahul is a Mutasaahil Pl: Mutasaahileen.

40 A-immah: Pl of Imaam, here it means Rulers, those in authority over the Muslims.
41 Faasid: Bad wrong or corrupted-opposite of that which is good and healthy.

42 Fitnah: trial and tribulation and also that which one is affiliated with as a trial from Allaah.

43 Fiqh: Knowledge of Islaamic rulings.

Our daıwah and our ıaqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring.  So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver.  We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our daıwah, nor should he think that  it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted posi
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