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29-04-2009 @ 9:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 45
Joined: Feb 2006


Alhamdullaah, "Five Pillars Umrah Tours" has completed yet another trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the purpose of 'Umrah and seeking knowledge.

Here's the highlights of the trip:

1. Performance of the 'Umrah
2. We had several elderly people with us on the trip
3. Plenty of youth and children
4. Married couples
5. All there to worship and in search of knowledge at the hands of the 'ulamah
6. Special sitting with Shaikhul-Allaamah Rabee' ibn Haadee al-Madkhali in his home where served us tea and gave a lecture (may Allaah reward him and preserve him)
7. Seminars with Shaikhul-Allaamah Ubaid Al-Jaabiree, Shaikh Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee, Shaikh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree and Shaikh Usaamah al-Utaibee
8. Visit to the Islamic University of Madeenah for some of the brothers to enroll
9. Trip to the Quraan Complex in Madeenah
10. Visit to Madeenah Museum for sisters
11. Visit to Haram Museum for brothers and sisters
12. Trip out to the White Mountains after Ishaa for brothers and sisters, young and old - BBQ, Quad Biking, beautiful evening out
13. Swimming for brothers and youngsters in open air swimming pool - beautiful hot weather!
14. Abu Hakeem and Abu Khadeejah present throughout the whole journey

Keep your eyes open for the next trip:

Email: fivepillars @ live . co . uk

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