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» Abu Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abdullah Al-Wasaabi of Dammaj
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Posted By Topic: Abu Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abdullah Al-Wasaabi of Dammaj

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30-05-2008 @ 12:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
abu-Sa'ad al-masri Mohamed bin Rezk bin Shabana (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
Posts: 70
Joined: Dec 2005
Insha'a Allah, shaikh Abu Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abdullah Al-Wasaabi of Dammaj will have a telelink with the brothers at Masjid as-Sahaba on Sunday the 1st of June 2008 at 2.00 pm EST.
The telelink will be broadcasted at 218 486 1300 pin 191220 and on paltalk at Masjid asaahaba, Columbus, OH, USA room under Islam.
The shaikh will be taking questions on seeking knowledge in Dammaj after the telelink. Please submit your questions by Saturday midnight Eastern Time in the USA. You can email your questions with "questions to shaikh ahmad al-Wasabi" in the subject to
Jazakum Allahu khairan

Mohamed Shabana abu-Sa'ad Columbus, Ohio, USA
Masjid as-Sahaaba
795 e.Hudson st.
Columbus, OH 43211
(614)262-8511 masjid
(614)622-5396 Cell

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