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» Is Sheikh Rabee From The Major Scholars?
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Posted By Topic: Is Sheikh Rabee From The Major Scholars?

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15-11-2008 @ 10:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Musa'ab Muhammed Abdullah Nishil ibn Noorudheen Al-Hindee (India)
Posts: 39
Joined: Jan 2008
Aslamau Alaiakum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!

For Those Who claim our Noble Sheikh Abu Muhammed Rabee Ibn Umar Hadee Al Madkhali isn't from the major scholars,I will Bi Idhnillah post What The "Major Scholars" Have Said About Him!!As the saying goes "It takes one to know one"!

1)Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah):

"Indeed we praise Allaah, Free is He from all imperfections, the Most High, that He makes it easy for our brother, the Doctor, Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee to visit this region. [So that] the one to whom certain matters are not apparent may come to know that our brother, may Allaah grant us and him success, is upon Salafiyyah, the way of the Salaf. And I do not mean here that Salafiyyah is a hizb (party) which is set up to oppose the Muslims outside of it, but I mean by Salafiyyah, that he (i.e. Shaikh Rabee') is upon the path of the Salaf in his Manhaj. Especially in the field of actualising Tawheed and throwing aside what opposes this [manhaj]. And all of us know tht Tawheed is the basis for which Allaah sent the Messengers upon them be peace and prayers...

The visit of our brother, Shaikh Rabee bin Haadee to this region, our city, Unaizah, no doubt will have a good effect and it will also become clear to many of the people what used to be hidden from them due to the scare-mongering and rumour-mongering and also letting loose the tongue [of discord]. And how numerous are those who are remorseful about what they said concerning the Ulamaa, when it becomes clear to them that they (the Ulamaa) are upon the truth."

Then one of those present at the gathering says,"There is a question concerning the books of Shaikh Rabee'?" To which the Shaikh replied:

"It is apparently clear that this question is not in need of my answer. And just as Imaam Ahmad was asked about Ishaaq bin Raahawaih - rahimahumullaah - and he replied, "Someone like me is asked about Ishaaq! Rather, Ishaaq is to be asked about me." And I spoke at the beginning of my speech about that which I know about Shaikh Rabee', may Allaah grant him success, and what I mentioned has never ceased to be what I hold about him in my soul, up until this time. And his arrival here and his words that have reached me, then no doubt, they are such that they will increase a person in his love for him and in his supplication for him."

End of quote. (Cassette:"Ittihaaf al-Kurraam Bi Liqaa al-Uthaimeen Ma'a Rabee al-Madhkhalee wa Muhammad al-Imaam")

i) Shaykh Rabee's manhaj is good and strong, and he is upon Salafiyyah.
ii) That Shaykh Rabee's presence will have a good effect in Unayzah, especially when the people realise the falsehood of the rumour mongering and lies that have been spread about him.
iii) The Shaykh implying that he should not be asked about Shaykh Rabee' but it should be the other way around, by the narration he quotes from Ahmad, and in this is a mighty tazkiyah for Shaykh Rabee' similar to the one given to him by Shaykh al-Albaani that he is "the carrier of the flag of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel".
iv) The words of Shaykh Rabee' that have reached Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen are such that they will increase a person in love for Shaykh Rabee', and that Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen has not ceased to have the viewpoint about the Shaykh that he has outlined above.

O Hizbiyyoon, die in your rage and perish in your warm fuzzies!!

Questioner: "What is your advice concerning the one who forbids the cassettes of Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee [from being distributed] with the claim that they cause fitnah and that they contain praise of the Wullaat ul-Umoor of the Kingdom, and that his praise of them emanates from nifaaq (hypocrisy)?"

Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeenýs replied:

"We consider this to be a great error and mistake. Shaikh Rabee' is from the Ulamaa of the Sunnah, and from the people of goodness. His aqidah is sound and his manhaj is strong and sound. However, when he began to speak about some of the symbolic figureheads of some of the people, from amongst the latecomers [i.e. Sayyid Qutb, Banna et. al.] they began to tarnish him with these faults".

(From the three cassette series, "Kashf ul-Lathaam An Ahmad Sallaam", dated July 2000)!

Benefit: Allaahu Akbar! Who else would have been better to explain to the Qutubiyyoon and Hizbiyyoon, the real reason for their enmity, hatred, lies, slanders, vilifications, derogation, tabdee' and also takfeer of Shaykh Rabee', merely because he refuted the figureheads of their deviant da'wah!

Ibn Uthaymeen also said:

"My study of the book of Sayyid Qutb has only been scant, and I do not know about his condition; however the scholars have written about his book in tafseer 'Fee Zilaalil Qurýaan' - they have written critical comments about it: such as what Shaikh ýAbdullaah ad-Duwaysh - rahimahullaah - wrote, and our brother Shaikh Rabeeý al-Madkhalee wrote some points of criticism upon him - upon Sayyid Qutb with regards to his tafseer and other things. So whoever wishes to refer to that then let him do so."

(A lecture entitled ýLiqaa ma-ýash - Shaikhain: Muhammad ibn ýUthaimain & Rabeeý al-Madkhaleeý [A Meeting with the Two Shaykhs, Ibn Uthaimeen and Rabee al-Madkhalee] in Jeddah, on 20/11/1413H)

The first step in knowledge is to listen, then to be quiet and attentive, then to preserve it, then to put it into practice and then to spread it.[Sufyan Ibn Unaiynah(Rahimahullah)]
Jazakhulla khair Wa Barakallah Feekum,Nishil

17-11-2008 @ 4:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Sep 2008
Walaykum as Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh,

Ma sha Allaah the praise for Shaykh Rabee' is well known and plentiful.

One thing that this brings to mind is the behavior of certain individuals who may be affected by some sort of hizbiyyah.  This speech of "Shaykh Fulaan is not from the major scholars" is a statement whose sole purpose is to reject the truth.

Shaykh Rabee' is from the kibaar, and some other shuyookh are perhaps from lower than the kibaar.  But whether other 'ulama regard each other as major or not should not be a measuring stick, rather everyone's statement is measured against the Qur'aan, ahaadeeth, and understanding of the Sahaabah radiyallaahu 'anhum.  Most often someone of much knowledge corrects someone of less knowledge, though on occasion it can be the opposite.  Imaam al-Bukhaaree rahimahullaah for example was sitting with the 'ulama of his time in childhood, and on occasion helped to correct small errors (with proper manners of course).

What I am saying is that we as Salafiyyoon should make sure not to fall into the trap of some insincere ones of arguing over who is major and who is minor.  Just so my words are made clear, ay na'am Shaykh Rabee' is from the major scholars, in fact if I am not mistaken he was offered a seat on the Hay'ah Kibaarul 'Ulama though he politely declined.  So I am not disputing what has been written here, ma sha Allaah Ibn Noor's post is the truth.

But this reminded me of a deeper issue, and this is that I have seen some good Salafee brothers become involved in a circular discussion when trying to advise someone who does not value advice.  If someone says Shaykh Fulaan is not from the major scholars, there is no reason to involve ourselves in their attempt to reject what goes against their desires.  Rather, we should remind them that it's not who is making the statement but whether the statement is in accordance with the Sunnah or not.

Obviously Shaykh Rabee' has been slandered by some of the hizbiyyoon and this thread is a good response to that baatil.  But we as Salafiyyoon should not be responding to this trap of laypeople trying to rate scholars as though it matters in regard to accepting the truth.  So my point is on a slightly different topic than Ibn Noor's but his defense of a great scholar reminded me of a related subject.

I hope that both of our posts are understood for their good (and somewhat different) intentions.  May Allaah correct my mistakes and accept my sincere tawbah if the believers here bring any that may be in this post to my attention.

17-01-2009 @ 4:48 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Musa'ab Muhammed Abdullah Nishil ibn Noorudheen Al-Hindee (India)
Posts: 39
Joined: Jan 2008
Bismillah Wahamdulilah Wasalautu Wasalamu 'Ala Rasulullah Wa 'Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Ajma'een!

This is the continuation of my previous post containing statments of the ulema on what they think of Sheikh Rabee.Wabarakallah feek@what the brother Umar posted.

2)Al Muhadithul 'Asree Abu Abdur Rahman Muhammed Nasirudeen Al-Albanee

The Muhaddith, the 'Allaamah, Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee:

"Despite the stance that the two Shaikhs, Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee and Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi'ee, have taken in fighting against innovations and the deviant opinions and sayings, some of the youth have doubts as to if the two Shaikhs are upon the Salafee way." So the Shaikh, rahimahullaah, answered by saying:

"Without a doubt, we praise Allaah, the Most High, for preparing for this upright Da'wah, which is based on the Qur'aan and the Sunnah according to the methodology of the Salaf As-Saalih, numerous callers throughout the various parts of the Muslim lands. They are the ones who take charge of the communal obligation (fard kifaa'ee), when there are very few who take this responsibility in the Muslim world today. So degrading and belittling these two Shaikhs (Rabee' and Muqbil), who call to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and what the Salaf As-Saalih were upon and who wage war against those who oppose this correct methodology. As is quite clear to everyone, it either comes from one of two types of people. Either it comes from someone who is ignorant or someone who follows his desires... If he is ignorant, then he can be taught. But if he is one who follows his desires, then we seek Allaah's refuge from the evil of this person. And we ask Allaah, Mighty and Sublime, to either guide him or break his back."

Then the Shaikh, rahimahullaah, said:

"And furthermore, I want to say that what I saw from the writings of the Shaikh, Dr. Rabee', was that they were beneficial. And I do not recall seeing any error on his part (in these books) nor any deviation from the methodology, which we are in conformity with him on and he with us."

Also, in the tape entitled "Al-Muwaazanaat: A modern-day Innovation" given by Al-Albaanee, the Shaikh added more to his praise for Shaikh Rabee'. After talking about this present-day innovation (of Muwaazanaat), the Shaikh stated:

"And in brief, I say that the Carrier of the Flag of (the science of) Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel today, in this present time, and rightfully so, is our brother, Dr. Rabee'. And those who refute him, do not do so with knowledge at all. And the knowledge is with him. And even though I have told him often that if he would only be softer in his manners, that would be more beneficial for the masses of people, whether they are with him or against him. But as for with respect to knowledge, then there is absolutely no grounds for criticizing him, except for that which I have mentioned just now that there is some severity in (his) manners. But as for the saying that he is not fair (in mentioning a person's good deeds, when mentioning his bad deeds), then this is a statement that carries no weight. No one says such a statement except for one of two people - either he is ignorant, so he must learn, or he is biased and following his desires. So this person, we have no recourse with regard to him, except to supplicate to Allaah to guide him to the Straight Path."

He, rahimahullaah, also said, commenting on the conclusion of the book "Al-'Awaasim mimmaa fee Kutub Sayyid Qutb min Al-Qawaasim" (Protection against the Dangers that are found in the Books of Sayyid Qutb):

"Everything that you have refuted Sayyid Qutb in is true and correct. From this, it will become quite clear to every Muslim, who has some sort of Islaamic education, that reads this that Sayyid Qutb was not knowledgeable about Islaam, whether about its fundamental principles (Usool) or its subsidiary issues (Furoo').8 So may Allaah reward you, O brother (Rabee') for fulfilling this obligation of clarifying and exposing his ignorance and deviation from Islaam."

The first step in knowledge is to listen, then to be quiet and attentive, then to preserve it, then to put it into practice and then to spread it.[Sufyan Ibn Unaiynah(Rahimahullah)]
Jazakhulla khair Wa Barakallah Feekum,Nishil

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