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06-03-2007 @ 2:36 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Al-Kamirunee Ahmad Dawa (MD (USA))
Posts: 13
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Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah.

Since a period of time,here in the US, there are lectures cd's of Anwar al-'Awlaki on the hereafter, the lives of the prophets, and the seerah.It has been published by al-Basheer publication. So I would like to know, rahimakum Allaah who he is and if this individual is following the salafi manhaj or not.

Jazaakum Allaahu khayraa.

Ahmad Ismail Al-Kamrunee

02-11-2008 @ 5:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
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Walaykum as Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

There have been a number of threads about him here on the forum, try searching for Anwar Awlaki with a K instead of a Q.

In short, he is on the manhaj of the Ikhwaan.  I remember checking out his blog shortly after he was released from prison and he was writing reviews of all the books of Sayyid Qutb that he read while serving his sentence.  This was recent and is likely still on there (though I would not recommend looking at his blog).

He has a master's of education degree if I am not mistaken, and I believe was seeking his doctorate in something related to business.  In short, he has never formally sought knowledge of Islaam.  The only person he has sat with is the pharmacist Zindaanee, who himself never studied and last I checked was in charge of the Jaami'atul Eemaan in Yemen, which has elements of the Ikhwaan, Khawaarij, and Takfeerees in it.

Normally I wouldn't speak this harshly against someone but to be frank I don't think he is someone who we should be paying attention to.  No formal education in Islaam, he is just someone who reads books like the rest of us (and not even authentic books).  If you want information in English, there is free audio to be found on sites like Troid or Salafi Audio.  There is no shortage of sites in Arabic, either.  I think all of us would better spend our time listening to the 'ulama and those students whom are known to be reliable, not all these speakers.  This goes for myself first and foremost.

Please forgive me if I have said anything incorrect and know that any truth in this post is only from Allaahu ta'aala.

12-11-2008 @ 1:34 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Al-Kamirunee Ahmad Dawa (MD (USA))
Posts: 13
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Assalaamu alaykum.

Jazaak Allaahu khayran, akhil kareem.

Ahmad Ismail Al-Kamrunee

26-12-2008 @ 10:09 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
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There is one adendum I would like to add, if the administrators feel it is appropriate, due to something a bit more disturbing.  As a general rule I don't busy myself with these matters as I am busy both with work and trying to gain beneficial knowledge myself, however a close friend emailed me something this morning.  It is not my intention to give this man any more attention, however I felt since this thread is here on the forum and people will ostensibly find it in searches that one last comment should be added.

The email I received was a link to al-Awlaki's blog - and once again, I do not recommend anybody abuses their eyes and brain by reading it - but my curiosity got the better of me, may Allaah forgive me for that.  His latest is an open call against the rulers of some of the Muslim countries, using the general "Arab states" rather than listing names, Allaahu a'lam though I have seen the followers of Qutb display this behavior before.  He equates the fact that a high-ranking American diplomat received gifts in the way of jewelry when meeting with foreign counterparts with Muwaalah of the kuffaar.  He goes on to call the "corrupt rulers" munaafiqoon, assumes he knows the intention of whichever diplomat or official sent the gifts, and formally separates himself from the rulers.

As my friend mentioned in this email:

"In the 'Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah, there is a difference between restricted and unrestricted loyalty and disownment. Al-Haatib ibn Abee Balta'ah wrote to the Kuffaar warning them about the army of the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam and this did not remove him from Islaam, nor was he ascribed with Nifaaq by the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam."

Though as always with those effected by the thought of the khawaarij, emotions and polemic take precedence over 'ilm and facts.  I suppose he doesn't know of all the ahaadeeth and athaar regarding splitting off from the jama'ah.  Would he consider a Muslim brother married to a woman of Ahlul Kitaab to be a munaafiq too if he gave his wife jewlery?  I want to give al-Awlaki the benefit of the doubt here as a Muslim but I can't really find the ability to do so at this point.

This was just the motivation I had this morning though.  The meat of my post is below.  I remember back in August that he had posted a defense of himself, though I brushed it off at the time due to its obvious weakness.  Because I still see young brothers and sisters flocking to takfeer because of this man, I felt I should post one last thing on him to lay it to rest.  If this is out of line or inappropriate, then I ask the administrators to remove it.

A question was posed to him asking about his education, and this is one more thing that should be laid to rest.  From the very beginning, this question shows the truly terrifying personality attachment his fans have to them.  The question starts out by claiming their is a "campaign" against him in the West and then openly disavows the advice of the Salaf such as Muhammad ibn Seereen rahimahullaah who warned us to be careful of who we take knowledge of this deen from.  Finally, the question ends asking for his credentials - showing that his fan had no idea what they even were, and that his disciples follow him not for the knowledge he does (or doesn't) have, but because of other reasons.  Like many of these popular speakers, he is charismatic and energetic and for many of the youth a nice man who spouts off popular political opinions is all they need.  No need to check the facts, jump to a conclusion and selectively look for proof later.

His first comment was:

"I have attended the circles of the scholars of Makkah and Madina for a combined period of a few months and for a short while attended the circle of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen."

He's feeding the kids what they want, but slow down here.  Sat in the circles of the 'ulama in Makkah and Madeenah...which scholars?  Were these saalihoon, or hizbiyyoon?  It doesn't make much difference, I just find it odd that the names are not given.  And I say it does not make much difference because it was only for a combined period of a few months.  Ikhwah, all of us who have been in this country for a few months have sat with the 'ulama for a few months.  It doesn't mean a thing.  What sort of visa was he here on?  Was he one of the brothers who came here on an 'umrah visa which lasts for three months for U.S. citizens and just took the whole time off work to stay?  Combined few months, did he come here for a week here, one month there, maybe three weeks another two years later, and so forth?  It doesn't add up and seems intentionally vague.

Alright, good for him.  But Haddaad sat with the 'ulama as well, in fact he sat with Shaykh Bin Baaz rahimahullaah and look at his condition.  He says he sat with Shaykh 'Uthaymeen rahimahullaah, for a short this means shorter than a combined period of a few months?  Ikhwah, Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azees ar-Rayyis was here in Hofuf a while back.  He didn't announce it ahead of time as he was just visiting and still there were dozens of us who came out on short notice.  Even the street sweepers from outside came in to sit with him.  Will these workers now go back to their countries and start releasing CDs, saying they sat with Shaykh ar-Rayyis?  Will the janitor of the masjid who was there now tell his whole neighborhood that he is a student of the Shaykh?  This situation is even more extreme with Shaykh 'Uthaymeen; many of his duroos had hundreds of people there at a time.  Yet al-Awlaki mentions his name here as though he was some personal student of the Shaykh.

He also goes on to mention the ijaazahs he holds in the basics of Islaamic study.  This is primarily from members of the al-Ahdal family in Yemen.  When searching on the internet when this matter originally came up, we could only find information on one of the members of this family that he is said to have studied with.  This individual has a website with some of his poetry and some matters relating to hadeeth; aside from this, we could not find anything in English or Arabic.  I like to give him husn udh-dhann as he may not be upon the misguidance that al-Awlaki is upon but by all measures he too appears to be majhool, wallaahu a'lam.

The issue of ijaazah is also thrown around much in the matter that the Soofiyyah tend to do.  The tactic is simply to pile on as many of these authorizations to teach as possible; who they came from, if the teacher themself had the right to even give ijaazah in the first place, or how in-depth the study was is never questioned.  The most telling issue, though, is that we know for a fact that not a single one of his fans has a clue who any of his teachers were.  The majority of them are English-speaking youth in the United States, and given that there is slim to nil information on his teachers to be found in print or online, in English or in Arabic, it is unlikely to the point of certainty that they have no idea who these people are.  They could be Qutubees, Suroorees, or anything for all these youth know, but they don't seem to care.

To them, it doesn't matter.  There are many students of knowledge who, unlike him, have spent more than a combined few months and then private study with unknown persons and still don't claim to have ijaazah in all six books of hadeeth, so the mere possibility of his claim is suspect considering that he has been in the U.S. for close to a decade studying business and education, and then has spent some time in prison.  He presented a resume with some bold claims and for the youth, this is enough.  No fact-checking necessary.

To top it off, he advertises that he spent time with al-'Awdah.  If this is indicative of his other teachers then may Allaah guide them and him, if not then I can't imagine them being too pleased where he is now - cursing the rulers and putting himself forward as someone to teach with minimal time spent studying.

I want to emphasize again why I put this out.  There is nothing "personal" against him, to be frank he represents a minority view even amongst the Qutubiyyah who are usually more crafty and covert than his open supplications against the rulers.  I don't care about him to be honest.  What I do care about is a majhool who has spent most of his adult life studying secular subjects in the U.S. or in prison putting himself forward to teach with a buffed up resume.  What I do care about is that a few young people are being reintroduced to the books of Sayyid Qutb through his writings.  What I do care about is a majhool who studied with similarly unknown teachers (though he does make sure to throw al-'Awdah's name in there) touting ijaazah in books of hadeeth despite in-depth study not being possible given the amount of time he had.  What I do care about is a man who thinks too highly of himself calling the 'ulama of Ahlus Sunnah "Green Zone scholars" and the rulers "pimps" who both promote the fiqh of "weakness and humiliation."

If the matter comes up again, it shouldn't be an issue for anyone to lay it to rest as well.  His latest posts have truly exposed what he is upon and that is more telling than anything, though in general al-Qutubiyyah was-Surooriyyah in general have few people with knowledge amongst them and thus anybody with even a sliver is put on a pedestal.  Don't be fooled, as both his manhaj and his education are a problem and his condition is very clear.

28-12-2008 @ 11:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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Boorika feek my brother!

About ijaazahs and academic qualifications:

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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09-02-2009 @ 1:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Asma Umran Haji (France)
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26-04-2009 @ 4:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ali ali bin faruk (united kingdom)
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In short, Anwar Al Awlaki is on the Manhaj of the Ikhwaan Al Muslimeen who have been heavily refuted by the scholars. Sheikh Bin Baaz said the Ikhwaan Al Muslimeen are the 72 Sects in the Hellfire! in generality. This is how deviant and misguided they are.

His blog shortly after he was released from prison had some writing reviews of all the books of Sayyid Qutb that he read while serving his sentence. Sayyid Qutb was also Criticised by the Scholars including Sheikh Al-Albani, Sheikh Bin Baaz and Sheikh Uthaimeen as well as other Scholars.

So you can see how Anwar Al Awlaki refers to and writes reviews of deviant individuals like Sayyid Qutb despite the Scholars refutations against such individuals.

With regards to the pharmacist Zindaanee, who Anwar sat with, he himself never studied. Sheikh Muqbil supported and praised the refutation made against Zindaanee.

Normally I wouldn't speak this harshly against someone but to be frank; I really want you brothers and sisters to know who this Anwar Al Awlaki is so that you are not misled in your religion.

Ibn Seereen (one of the salaf), stated ııThis knowledge is deen, so Know who you take your deen fromıı.

I hope you take benefit from what I have said my brothers and sisters in Islam. Take Knowledge from the Scholars who are known for their knowledge like Sheikh Al-Albani, Sheikh Bin Baaz etc, and not misguided individuals like him.


This knowledge is deen, so Know who you take your deen fromı

01-05-2009 @ 5:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached pdf is part 1 of the response of Shaykh Dr. Abdullah al-Jarboo hafidhahullah to some of what Anwar al-Awlaki(may Allah guide him and us) has claimed.

21-07-2009 @ 1:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Arabic audio: New Refutation of Anwar Awlakee by Shaikh Abdullaah Al-Jarboo

22-07-2009 @ 4:03 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Moosa unspecified (Sweden)
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IT would be very beneficial if someone could translate this so that we can further spread the Audio into English sites as well!

Wa Salaamu 'alaikum

Ibnul Qayyim Al Jawzi:
"And using the intellect in opposition to the evidences is the basis of all evil in the world."

04-08-2009 @ 5:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Moosa unspecified (Sweden)
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Translation of the refutation (WITH) Audio Part 1:

(Other parts will soon be uploaded and will be posted to this thread in shaa Allaah)

OBS: The majority of the videos on youtube are deviation and made by kuffar!

Ibnul Qayyim Al Jawzi:
"And using the intellect in opposition to the evidences is the basis of all evil in the world."

14-08-2009 @ 12:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Audio of Shaykh Jarboo with English subtitles part 2

This part has refutations related to some doubts that Awlaki brings like saying that if someone attacks your house then you have right to defend it and not take permission of the Ruler and tries to compare this situation with the Kuffaar attacking a Muslim country. And other doubts related to what happened from some from the Salaf where they did certain actions apparently without permission from Ruler. Shaykh also defends the Scholars against the allegations that they are influenced or under pressure, etc.

03-11-2009 @ 8:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached screenshot is from the blog of al-Awlaaqee (may Allah guide us and him).

I have no words to say regarding his exaggerated praise of Sayyid Qutb (rahimahullah) and his books and putting his name alongside Imaams like Ibn Kathir, an-Nawawi and others.

Please click here to read what the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (past & present) have mentioned regarding Sayyid Qutb.

Also plz. click [url=]here[/url] to read what Br. Hasan as-Somalee hafidhahullah has mentioned regarding some erroneous statements of al-Awlaaqi.

Attached FileAnwaralAwlaqi.JPG (155 Kbytes)

03-11-2009 @ 10:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal (West Palm Beach, FL USA)
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For more information regarding the corrupt ideology of Anwar al-Awlaki, refer to: Forum Topic:  What do the Scholars say about Anwar al-Awlaki?

17-11-2009 @ 8:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
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All praise is due to Allah alone and may peace and blessings be upon His noble messenger Muhammad. To proceed:

   In regards to the misguidance of Anwar al-Awlaki our beloved brothers Abul-Hasaan Malik and Hasaan as-Somali will be doing a detailed lecture entitled " VERILY WE HAVE MADE YOU A JUST AND BALANCED NATION " dealing with his innovations and the recent attacks on Fort Hood naval base. The talks will be held at masjid Muhammad Abdul-Wahab and the address is 1032 Spruce Street,Camden N.J. 08104,U.S.A. For more information please contact the masjid at 856-541-0681.
   The date of the talks are Saturday, Nov.21,2009 we advise all to attend and inshaAllah the paltalk info.will be posted.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

18-11-2009 @ 6:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Hasan bin Muhammad (Englewood Cliffs, NJ)
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What time is the conference in Camden supposed to begin? I called the number and left a message but have not heard back yet.

19-11-2009 @ 11:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Zaahid Jalil bin James (Philadelphia, PA)
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Just a brief update about our conference, it has been postponed to the following Saturday directly after the Eid ( Saturday November 28,2009 ), and all talks will begin after salatul-mughrib, insha Allah. In closing, I would just like to apologize on behalf of our brothers for not returning your call in a timely manner. We ask you to please be patient because we do have a high volume of calls and messages.

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

21-11-2009 @ 4:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Allamah Ubayd al-Jaabiri hafidhahullah speaks regarding al-Awlaki(may Allah guide us and him) [url=]here[/url].

For the Arabic with English translation click [url=]here[/url]

14-01-2010 @ 3:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Imaam Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee: A Beginner Who Reads the Books of Qutb Will Not Perceive After Only a Few Days that He Has Become Amongst the Jamaa'at ut-Takfir

Hope fans of al-Awlaki don't make the same mistake as their "Imaam" but rather take heed of the above warning of one of the Sunnee Imaams of the recent past.

28-01-2010 @ 3:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Anwar al-Awlaki's Fictitious Attachment to Salafism: Reply to Jarrett Brachman's Post Fort Hood Comments

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