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» The Scholars on Cooperating with Jam'iyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath
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14-09-2006 @ 8:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Tonight, our noble Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel حفظه الله mentioned a few benefits regarding Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee, as pertains to what we have mentioned previously in this thread.

  •   The Shaykh mentioned that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq does not cease up until this very day to be the head of Turaath's research committee (Lajnatul-Bahoothil-'Ilmee).  And if a person wants to see if he is with them, then just look at their conferences and there he is, speaking on the opening day!!  And he mentioned how they continue to spread his books in these conferences, and likewise in Somalia, Sudan and in every place!  

  •   We asked the Shaykh about the bay'ah that Turaath have and he spoke of how they change the name "bay'ah" to "al-'ahd", thinking it somehow becomes different. But the Shaykh mentioned that changing the name doesn't change the haqaa'iq.  They have bay'ah to "the jamaa'ah", meaning the  board of directors of the Jam'iyyah who are all unknown ? no one even knows their names.  The Shaykh said that they wanted them [the Shaykh and others who sat with the Jam'iyyah back in those days] to give the "'ahd to unknown people who were not even students of knowledge(?)!
      The Shaykh mentioned an example, where in the area of Sabaah an-Naasir, one of the students of knowledge was invited to a private gathering to give a dars.  The Jam'iyyah's Sabaah an-Naasir branch declared that he (the student of knowledge), the owner of the house that the dars was held in, and all those who attended this dars were "sinful"- because they didn't seek permission from the Jam'iyyah first, as if this area belonged to them, the Shaykh said.

    These are just a couple of benefits mentioned by the Shaykh ?  حفظه الله - related to this thread.

    More to come... إن شاء الله

    Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
    أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

19-09-2006 @ 9:10 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Jam'iyyah Ihyaa'at-Turaath and cooperating with the various jamaa'aat

The manhaj of Jam'iyyah at-Turaath is an Ikhwaanee manhaj, taking the same positions you find Ikhwaanul-Mufliseen taking (like cooperating with the Raafidah Shee'ah for example). So it is no surprise to find them promoting the infamous principle of Hasan al-Banaa of coming together and cooperating in that which they agree upon and excusing each other in those things in which they differ with each other.


"Differing is present amongst the people, and there is no doubt in it, except if He encompasses them with His Mercy.  And it is well-known that differing occurred between the Sahaabah, so differing occurring between these jamaa'aat is something natural, in spite of it being evil as is mentioned in the Noble Qur'aan and the Noble Prophetic Sunnah. But some of the people abandon all of the differences which occur in this earth and hold a microscope to magnify the differences between the Islaamic jamaa'aat?
And (it is) in my estimation that the reason for there being differences between the jamaa'aat (groups and parties) goes back to (some) factors, from them: Ignorance of the etiquettes of differing and knowledge of it's ahkaam
? "

Speaker: Naadhim al-Misbaah
Source: Al-Hadath magazine
Number: 27, pg. 16
Date: October 1998

  • So the differences between these jamaa'aat are due to ? from among the reasons ? "Ignorance of the etiquettes of differing and knowledge of it's ahkaam"?  He mentions this as the first reason for the differences between them!  What about their differences in 'Aqeedah?  The shee'ah believing that all but a handful of the Companions are kuffaar, the khawaarij declaring people to be kuffaar due to their committing sins, the soofees belief that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) is alive and attends their gatherings and that they can attain levels greater than the Prophets ? these wicked innovated  beliefs are not taken into account by Ihyaa' at-Turaath. Rather they follow the path of al-Banaa and the Ikhwaanul-Mujrimeen in cooperating with all of these jamaa'aat, and at the same time they put themselves forward to be the Salafees in Kuwait and outside it, and ascribe themselves to the noble Imaams of this da'wah, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez, Shaykh al-Albaanee and Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen رحمهم الله!?


"?and from those undisputed matters that do not require clarification is that the work of the deputies who are "multazimeen"
[meaning from Ikhwaan and Turaath who are in the
parliament and ministries], it is not possible to be
crowned with success without cooperating in that which they have in common between themselves and coordinate their efforts, and be like the heart of one man in that which is connected to the clear Islaamic affairs
There is no doubt that advising and enjoining with the Truth and advising with Patience requires collective work and cooperation and constant coordination

Speaker: Opening of Al-Furqaan
Source:  Al-Furqaan magazine
Number: 321, pg. 4
Date: 6/12/2004


"What is required from the Palestinian people now is unification of the ranks and word with all of the groups and Islaamic movements?"

Speaker: Dr. Nassir Fareed
Source: Al-Furqaan
Number: 178, pg. 3
Date: 2002

  • Meaning: Unification with Hizbush-Shaytaan (Raafidah shee'ah, shayaateen), unification with Hamas (followers of the deviant innovator Ahmad Yaaseen) and all of the other ikhwaanee jihaadee groups who are all in opposition to the Salafee manhaj.


"And in Kuwait there is coordination between the two most important Islaamic groups, and they are al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimoon and the Salafees [i.e. Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath], in numerous areas, like the field of Relief and collective work, even if what is needed is more than that ?"

Speaker: Waa'il al-Hasaawee
Source: Al-Anbaa' Newspaper
Number: 6159 pg. 27
Date: 2/7/1993

  • Coorination between Turaath and one of the jamaa'aat that the 'Ulamaa' have said is from the 72 deviant sects!


"more than 30 years ago, there emerged the two biggest Islaamic groups in Kuwait. They are the group The (Islaamic) Constitutional Movement (ICM) [i.e. Ikhwaanul-Mujrimeen] and the Salaf (i.e. At-Turaath), and they were able by the blessing of Allaah the Most High to realize many achievements that there are no comparison to in the sphere of Kuwait, and they have earned the love and respect of all.  And these two groups have the ability to coordinate in that which is between them, and cooperation in many affairs, charitable and political affairs??  and joint coordination in elections and the functions of the Parliament, and coordination in the elections of the Teachers Committee and the Students Union and the coordination (related to) communication and other than it.  And there is no doubt that the aspiration of these two groups [Ikhwaan and Turaath] and those who love them is greater than that coordination.  We ask Allaah to bring about more."

Speaker: Waa'il al-Hasaawee
Source: Ar-Ra'ee Al-'Aam newspaper
Number: 13123
Date: 26/5/2003

It is clear that this contradicts the 'Salafee manhaj. How does one ascribe himself to the manhaj of the Salafus-Saalih and cooperate and join forces with the people of Bid'ah and misguidance?! But yet Turaath continue to deceive the youth, in Kuwait, Somalia, Qatar and all over the world, into thinking that they are a salafee organization, upon the manhaj of our beloved Salafee 'Ulamaa'.  But as can be seen when we look to the statements of these 'Ulamaa' we find a different manhaj in totality!
Ash-Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan al-Fawzaan was asked regarding what position the youth should take in regards to these jamaa'aat that are present today. The Shaykh answered by saying:


"Indeed Allaah and His Messenger have informed us about the coming about of the sects that are in opposition to the jamaa'ah of Ahlus-Sunnah. And Allaah and His Messenger clarified how we are to deal with these sects.  The Most High said:

وَأَنَّ هَـذَا صِرَاطِي مُسْتَقِيمًا فَاتَّبِعُوهُ وَلاَ تَتَّبِعُواْ السُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمْ عَن سَبِيلِهِ ذَلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُم بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

"And verily this is My Straight Path, so follow it. And don't follow the other paths (as-subul) for they will take you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may have Taqwaa" [Al-An'am (6):153]

And indeed the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) clarified that with a clarification that was clear, when he drew a straight line, and drew to it's right and it's left other lines. And he said regarding the straight line: (("This is the Path (Sabeel) of Allaah.")) And he said about the other paths: "and these are the other paths, upon every path from them is a shaytan calling the people to it."

And he said (صلى الله عليه و سلم) about a people who will come in the end of times: (("Callers at the doors of Jahannam. Whoever obeys them will be thrown into it."))

So the obligation upon the youth and other than them is: rejecting all of the jamaa'aat (groups) and firaq (sects) that are in opposition to the jamaa'ah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Istiqaamah, and that they warn against the callers that call to these jamaa'aat just as the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) warned from them, and that they stick to the jamaa'ah of Ahlus-Sunnah, and it is the One Jamaa'ah that is firmly-established upon what the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and his Companions were upon, acting by his saying (صلى الله عليه و سلم): (("For indeed whoever lives long from amongst you will see great differing and controversy, so it is upon you to hold onto my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Khulafaa'.."))  So he commanded (صلى الله عليه و سلم) in the midst of differing and controversy with holding onto his Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Khulafaa', and sticking to the jamaa'ah of the Muslims and their Imaam."

Source: Ajwibatul-Mufeedah [#107]


"Every one who opposes the jamaa'ah of Ahlus-Sunnah, then he is astray. We only have one jamaa'ah and they are Ahlus-Sunnati wal-Jamaa'ah, and whoever opposes this jamaa'ah then he is in opposition to the manhaj of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم).
And we also say: everyone that opposes Ahlus-Sunnati wal-Jamaa'ah, then he is from Ahlul-Ahwaa' (the people of desires, bid'ah), and the mukhaalafaat differ in regards to the hukm of being astray or takfeer, in accordance with it's greatness and smallness, it's distance and it's closeness to the Truth."

Source: Ajwibatul-Mufeedah [#7]

And the statements of the 'Ulamaa' in this issue are many and are crystal clear for all to see - and demonstrate that Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is not upon the manhaj of Ahlus-Sunnah!

Benefit: Imaam Al-Albaanee on the saying of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) (( "and these are the other paths, at the head of every one from amongst them is a shaytaan calling the people to it"))

The Muhaddith of our time, Imaam al-Albaanee رحمه الله تعالى said regarding the saying of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) (("at the head of every path from amongst them is a shaytan calling the people to it.")):

"there is no doubt that these short paths, they are the what exemplify the numerous ahzaab (parties) and jamaa'aat. So then it is obligatory upon every muslim to be keen to truly be from the Firqatun-Naajiyyah (the Saved Sect), and that he proceed, traversing the Straight Path, and that he does not go right or left. And there is no saved party except the Party of Allaah تبارك و تعالى , which the Noble Qur'aan mentions to us about it:

أَلآ إِنَّ حِزْبَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

"Verily it is the Hizb (Party) of Allaah that will be the successful." [Al-Mujaadilah (58):22]

So then, every hizb that is not the Hizb of Allaah, then it is only from the hizb of Shaytaan and not from the hizb of ar-Rahmaan."

And he said رحمه الله:


"These ahzaab (parties), we do not believe that they are upon the Straight Path. Rather, we are certain that they are upon those paths which at the head of every path from amongst them is a shaytaan calling the people to it."

Source: see Fataawaa ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee [pg. 106-114]

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

This message was edited by aboo.sufyaan on 9-23-06 @ 9:43 AM

04-10-2006 @ 12:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

"Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath... is a jamaa'ah that is deviant, astray, leading others astray..." - Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree

ash-Shaykh, al-Waalid, 'Ubayd bin 'Abdillaah al-Jaabireeحفظه الله  was asked during his visit to Riyaadh (11th of Sha'ban, 1427H) about the Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath, to which the Shaykh said:


"Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath, the proof with us has been established upon it, that it is a jamaa'ah that is deviant, astray, leading others astray, from the testimony of trustworthy narrators from the People of Kuwait, from them, our brother, ash-Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaa'eel Mindikaar, and our brother, ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin 'Uthmaan al-'Anjaree....

Click here to hear the full audio file.

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

عن عبد الله بن أحمد بن شبويه قال سمعت أبي يقول:

من أراد علم القبر فعليه بالأثر ومن أراد علم الخبز فعليه بالرأي

This message was edited by aboo.sufyaan on 10-17-06 @ 11:03 AM

29-10-2006 @ 11:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Is the difference between Ahlul-Haqq and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa'at-Turaath and Jam'iyyatul-Islaah (Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen) a difference based upon 'aqeedah?  
- ash-Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel answers [::: Audio:::]

Click here to download the audio file.

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


04-03-2007 @ 10:15 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Additional Proofs that show clearly that Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is connected to 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdil-Khaaliq al-Masree

The following are fliers from the 2006 Annual Spring Camp the Jam'iyyah holds showing 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq was invited and that the Jam'iyyah continues to put him at the forefront of their da'wah.
Exhibit "A"
[url=]Exhibit "B"[/url]

These are from another Turaathee conference held last year:
[url=]Exhibit "C1"[/url]
[url=]Exhibit "C2"[/url]

Ash-Shaykh 'Ubayd was asked by one of the youth of Turaath:
"Secondly, he (the Turaathee youth) says: the issue of 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdul-Khaaliq, so the man, we agree with you regarding the man's mistakes.  But the brothers in the administration of the jam'iyyah did something beautiful and tremendous, and it is putting 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdul-Khaaliq off to the side."

The Shaykh said:

"And this is not correct except in front of you (with you) .  Rather he is in charge of the Sharee'ah committee, and I have documentation for that.
    But sometimes they - all of the modern day jamaa'aat ad-da'wiyyah ? and all of them are deviant - they have manuerving, tactics in working.  They manifest things and they conceal their opposite.  So 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq al-Qutbee ? he is a flaming Qutbee, and I have documentation to prove it- he is one of the two doors of Ihyaa' at-Turaath. So Ihyaa' at-Turaath has two doors; one of them is 'Abdullaah as-Sabt, and the other is 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq. So whoever goes out from the way of as-Sabt, enters from the way of Ibn 'Abdul-Khaaliq. And whoever goes out from the way of Ibn 'Abdul-Khaaliq, he enters from the way of as-Sabt, maneuvers.?"

Source:  This was from a private sitting the Shaykh حفظه الله تعالى gave to some of the youth of Turaath who came to the dawrah in Hafr a few years back.

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subay'ee حفظه الله تعال said in his cassette An-Naseehatu ilaa ikhwaaninaa feet-Turaath, one of his tapes in which he refutes and clarifies the reality of at-Turaath:

"And in reality, the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is something else, he in reality, he lives on a different planet, and deceives himself.
    And his deceiving himself, then this, as I said (before), everyone cries over his Laylaa and does whatever he wants with himself, but that you numb your Salafee brothers and to hide the reality from them with the likes of this da'wah, for verily this is from that which must be refuted, and from that which must be shown clearly to all of the people, that this is a lie and a fabrication, and that it is not correct.
    So the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee is something else, then this one is like the one who says that Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen have no connection with Hasan al-Banaa'?.."

Repelling a doubt

Recently, one of the Turaathee speakers, Faysal al-Jaasim, was invited to Luton for a conference there.  When asked why they had invited someone from Turaath, the "Liar in Luton", in trying to defend himself and their choice to invite this individual, wrote a lenghty response chalked full of deception and lies.  From among that which he mentioned was:
"the situation with Abdur rahman abdul khaliq changed over a period of time - hence you do not see refutation of him now. this is because the scholars around him n kuwait put pressure on him from a number of ways and he was forced to conform.

The People of Knowledge here in Kuwait do not cease to refute Ibn 'Abdil-Khaaliq and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath, likewise the Mashayikh like Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh 'Ubayd and others also continue to warn against them and refute them, as has been detailed in this thread و الحمد لله.
So one should not be deceived into thinking that there has been any sort of change.  Rather these individuals continue to get worse , و الله المستعان.

Likewise, one should not think that the problem of Turaath is now relegated to Kuwait or the GCC only.  This is also talbees from ash-Shaytaan.  Rather in the past 3 months we have seen some of their heads attending conferences in the UK (Faysal al-Jaasim in Luton) and the U.S. (Muhammad al-Hamood an-Najdee and Khaalid al-'Utaybee in Florida).
The Jam'iyyah and it's activities have not ceased.  Likewise the refutation of them by Ahlus-Sunnah also does not cease, just as ash-Shaykh Rabee' حفظه الله  said in his beautiful booklet Raddu kullil-munkaraat wal-ahwaa' wal-akhtaa'i manhajun shar'ee"(translation in the works إن شاء الله):

"So indeed the struggle between Truth and falsehood, and Guidance and misguidance is old and deep-rooted in ancient times and is unceasing. It has not stopped till this very day and will not stop until the establishment of the Hour!

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen:  "Indeed, from what is obligatory for the taalibul-'ilm to maintain and adhere to is defense of the Sharee'ah." [Al-'Ilm (pg.28)

04-03-2007 @ 10:15 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Additional Proofs that show clearly that Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is connected to 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdil-Khaaliq al-Masree

The following are fliers from the 2006 Annual Spring Camp the Jam'iyyah holds showing 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq was invited and that the Jam'iyyah continues to put him at the forefront of their da'wah.
Exhibit "A"
[url=]Exhibit "B"[/url]

These are from another Turaathee conference held last year:
[url=]Exhibit "C1"[/url]
[url=]Exhibit "C2"[/url]

Ash-Shaykh 'Ubayd was asked by one of the youth of Turaath:
"Secondly, he (the Turaathee youth) says: the issue of 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdul-Khaaliq, so the man, we agree with you regarding the man's mistakes.  But the brothers in the administration of the jam'iyyah did something beautiful and tremendous, and it is putting 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdul-Khaaliq off to the side."

The Shaykh said:

"And this is not correct except in front of you (with you) .  Rather he is in charge of the Sharee'ah committee, and I have documentation for that.
    But sometimes they - all of the modern day jamaa'aat ad-da'wiyyah ? and all of them are deviant - they have manuerving, tactics in working.  They manifest things and they conceal their opposite.  So 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq al-Qutbee ? he is a flaming Qutbee, and I have documentation to prove it- he is one of the two doors of Ihyaa' at-Turaath. So Ihyaa' at-Turaath has two doors; one of them is 'Abdullaah as-Sabt, and the other is 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq. So whoever goes out from the way of as-Sabt, enters from the way of Ibn 'Abdul-Khaaliq. And whoever goes out from the way of Ibn 'Abdul-Khaaliq, he enters from the way of as-Sabt, maneuvers.?"

Source:  This was from a private sitting the Shaykh حفظه الله تعالى gave to some of the youth of Turaath who came to the dawrah in Hafr a few years back.

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subay'ee حفظه الله تعال said in his cassette An-Naseehatu ilaa ikhwaaninaa feet-Turaath, one of his tapes in which he refutes and clarifies the reality of at-Turaath:

"And in reality, the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is something else, he in reality, he lives on a different planet, and deceives himself.
    And his deceiving himself, then this, as I said (before), everyone cries over his Laylaa and does whatever he wants with himself, but that you numb your Salafee brothers and to hide the reality from them with the likes of this da'wah, for verily this is from that which must be refuted, and from that which must be shown clearly to all of the people, that this is a lie and a fabrication, and that it is not correct.
    So the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee is something else, then this one is like the one who says that Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen have no connection with Hasan al-Banaa'?.."

Repelling a doubt

Recently, one of the Turaathee speakers, Faysal al-Jaasim, was invited to Luton for a conference there.  When asked why they had invited someone from Turaath, the "Liar in Luton", in trying to defend himself and their choice to invite this individual, wrote a lenghty response chalked full of deception and lies.  From among that which he mentioned was:
"the situation with Abdur rahman abdul khaliq changed over a period of time - hence you do not see refutation of him now. this is because the scholars around him n kuwait put pressure on him from a number of ways and he was forced to conform.

The People of Knowledge here in Kuwait do not cease to refute Ibn 'Abdil-Khaaliq and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath, likewise the Mashayikh like Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh 'Ubayd and others also continue to warn against them and refute them, as has been detailed in this thread و الحمد لله.
So one should not be deceived into thinking that there has been any sort of change.  Rather these individuals continue to get worse , و الله المستعان.

Likewise, one should not think that the problem of Turaath is now relegated to Kuwait or the GCC only.  This is also talbees from ash-Shaytaan.  Rather in the past 3 months we have seen some of their heads attending conferences in the UK (Faysal al-Jaasim in Luton) and the U.S. (Muhammad al-Hamood an-Najdee and Khaalid al-'Utaybee in Florida).
The Jam'iyyah and it's activities have not ceased.  Likewise the refutation of them by Ahlus-Sunnah also does not cease, just as ash-Shaykh Rabee' حفظه الله  said in his beautiful booklet Raddu kullil-munkaraat wal-ahwaa' wal-akhtaa'i manhajun shar'ee"(translation in the works إن شاء الله):

"So indeed the struggle between Truth and falsehood, and Guidance and misguidance is old and deep-rooted in ancient times and is unceasing. It has not stopped till this very day and will not stop until the establishment of the Hour!

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen:  "Indeed, from what is obligatory for the taalibul-'ilm to maintain and adhere to is defense of the Sharee'ah." [Al-'Ilm (pg.28)

16-02-2008 @ 5:06 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree's recent statements during the dawrah at Hafar on Ihyaa' at-Turaath and 'Abdullaah al-Ghunaymaan

Shaykh 'Ubayd on Turaath and Ghunyamaan

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

ٍShaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen:  "Indeed, from what is obligatory for the taalibul-'Ilm to maintain and adhere to is defense

10-07-2008 @ 6:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Kuwaiti Charity Designated for Bankrolling al Qaida Network


June 13, 2008

Kuwaiti Charity Designated for Bankrolling al Qaida Network

Washington - The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated the Kuwait-based Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) for providing financial and material support to al Qaida and al Qaida affiliates, including Lashkar e-Tayyiba, Jemaah Islamiyah, and Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya. RIHS has also provided financial support for acts of terrorism.

"Designating and freezing the assets of an organization engaged in charitable work is a decision not taken lightly because the last thing we want to do is cut off needed humanitarian assistance," said Stuart Levey, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. "However, the reality is that RIHS has used charity and humanitarian assistance as cover to fund terrorist activity and harm innocent civilians, often in poor and impoverished regions. We have a responsibility to do all we can to shut down the funding channels of terrorism."

RIHS was designated today under Executive Order 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing financial, technological, or material support to terrorists or acts of terrorism. Any assets RIHS holds under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with RIHS.

The RIHS offices in Afghanistan (RIHS-Afghanistan) and Pakistan (RIHS-Pakistan) were designated by the U.S. Government and the United Nations 1267 Committee in January 2002 based on evidence of their support for al Qaida. At that time, there was no evidence that the Kuwait-based RIHS headquarters (RIHS-HQ) knew that RIHS-Afghanistan and RIHS-Pakistan were financing al Qaida.

Since that time, however, evidence has mounted implicating RIHS-HQ in terrorism support activity. The U.S. Government has learned that RIHS senior leadership, who have actively managed all aspects of the organization's day-to-day operations, have been aware of both legitimate and illegitimate uses of RIHS funds.

"We designated two branches of RIHS in 2002, and since then a number of other countries have taken action against RIHS. We look forward to continuing our work with Kuwaiti authorities to ensure that legitimate charitable giving can reach those in need and not be diverted to terrorist organizations," Levey continued.

Suspected of providing support to terrorism, RIHS offices have been closed or raided by the governments of Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, and Russia.

In countries where RIHS activities are banned or scrutinized by local governments, RIHS-HQ has developed multiple methods to continue its operations. After the Government of Bangladesh closed RIHS offices, RIHS-HQ funneled money into Bangladesh through another organization to continue RIHS activities and to help shield it from scrutiny there. RIHS-HQ has used RIHS officials and other individuals to courier funds out of the country in order to evade the scrutiny of the international financial system. In some countries, including Albania and Kosovo in particular, RIHS senior officials have assisted RIHS branch offices with name changes, and then continued to provide financial support to the new organizations.

RIHS Support for Terrorism in South Asia

RIHS-HQ provides significant financial and logistical support to the U.N.-designated terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LeT), a Pakistan-based terrorist group with links to the al Qaida network. LeT was reportedly implicated in the July 2006 attack on multiple Mumbai commuter trains, and in the December 2001 attack against the Indian Parliament. As of 2007, RIHS provided office space to an LeT leader who visited Kuwait to raise funds for LeT operations. RIHS officials accompanied the LeT leader while he raised funds throughout Kuwait. As of late 2007, RIHS sent money to LeT elements on a monthly basis, and regularly transferred funds to LeT representatives' bank accounts in Pakistan. In some cases, LeT has received the funds at charitable entities associated with RIHS.

RIHS also reportedly provided a key source of funding for terrorist attacks carried out by an extremist group in Bangladesh in 2005. Despite a February 2005 Bangladeshi government ban of the terrorist group Jamaaat Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB), on August 17, 2005, JMB launched a series of near-simultaneous bomb attacks across Bangladesh, killing two and injuring 64 persons. Over 400 bombs exploded during the course of these attacks, which were carried out in 63 of Bangladesh's 64 provinces. Following the bombings, RIHS was identified as one of the key sources of funding needed for staging these attacks. After the August 2005 bombings, RIHS was accused of funding JMB's military activities with overt and covert funds. These funds were channeled through a senior leader of a Bangladeshi Islamic organization. As of early 2005, RIHS in Bangladesh had contributed millions of dollars to this organization.

RIHS Support for Terrorism in Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa

RIHS has provided financial and logistical support to the Southeast Asia based terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI). Specifically, an RIHS employee provided logistical support to JI's fugitive leader Nurjaman Riduan Isamuddin (a.k.a. "Hambali") prior to his capture in 2003. Due to the high security conditions during the 2002 Asian Summit, the RIHS employee escorted Hambali from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to an alternate location, where he then provided him with accommodations. The employee was later captured and sentenced to life imprisonment on terrorism charges. An RIHS representative in Indonesia provided funding to a JI member collecting money for JI activities. The JI member funneled the funds he received from RIHS and other sources to JI associates for the procurement of weapons to support their operations.

RIHS has also funded al Qaida and like-minded terrorist groups in Somalia. Al Qaida supporters in Somalia reportedly have historically received significant funds through RIHS. In addition, RIHS provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to a university controlled by Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya.


Revival of Islamic Heritage Society

RIHS Headquarters-Kuwait
Revival of Islamic Heritage Foundation
Society for the Revival of Islamic Heritage
Islamic Heritage Revival Party
Islamic Heritage Restoration Society
Kuwaiti Heritage
Ihya Turas Al-Islami
Ijha Turath Al-Islami
Jamia Ihya Ul Turath
Jamiat Ihia Al-Turath Al-Islamiya
Jam'iyat Ihya' Al-Turath Al-Islami
Jami'at Ihy'a Al-Tirath Al-Islamia
Jamiatul Ihya Ul Turath
Jamiyat Ikhya At-Turaz Al-Islami, Society of the Rebirth of the Islamic People
Jamiatul-Yahya Ut Turaz
Jomiatul Ehya-Ut Turaj
Jomiyatu-Ehya-Ut Turas Al Islami
Jama'ah Ihya Al-Turaz Al-Islami
Jami'ah Al-Hiya Al-Turath Al Islamiyah
Lajnat Ihya Al-Turath Al-Islami
Lajnat Al-Ihya Al-Turath Al-Islami
RIHS Administration for the Building of Mosques and Islamic Projects
RIHS Mosques Committee
Administration of the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society Committee
RIHS Arab World Committee
RIHS Committee for the Arab World
RIHS Committee for West Asia
RIHS Central Asia Committee
Committee for Europe and the Americas
RIHS Europe and the Americas Committee
RIHS Two Americas and European Muslim Committee
RIHS Europe America Muslims Committee
RIHS Southeast Asia Committee
RIHS Committee for South East Asia
RIHS Indian Continent Committee
RIHS Indian Subcontinent Committee
RIHS Committee for India
RIHS African Continent Committee
RIHS Committee for Africa
Revival of Islamic Society Heritage on the African Continent
RIHS Public Relations Committee
RIHS Cultural Committee
RIHS Principle Committee for the Center for Preservation of the Holy Qu'aran
RIHS General Committee for Donations
RIHS Youth Center Committee
RIHS Scientific Committee-Branch of Sabah Al-Nasir
RIHS Fatwas Committee
RIHS Center for Manuscripts Committee
RIHS Educating Committees, Al-Jahra'
RIHS Audio Recordings Committee
RIHS Project of Assigning Preachers Committee
RIHS Office of Printing and Publishing
RIHS Committee for Women
RIHS Committee for Women, Administration for the Building of Mosques
RIHS Women's Branch for the Project of Endowment
RIHS Administration for the Committees of Almsgiving
RIHS Committee for Almsgiving and Charities
RIHS Committee for the Call and Guidance
RIHS Cambodia-Kuwait Orphanage Center
The Kuwaiti-Cambodian Orphanage Center
The Kuwait-Cambodia Islamic Cultural Training Center
RIHS Chaom Chau Center
Nara Welfare and Education Association
RIHS-Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kuwaiti Joint Relief Committee, Bosnia and Herzegovina
KJRC-Bosnia and Herzegovina
Plandiste School, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organizacija Preporoda Islamske Tradicije Kuvajt
Kuwait General Committee for Aid
General Kuwait Committee
Center of Call for Wisdom
Thirrja Per Utesi
NGO Turath
Dora E Miresise
Hand of Mercy
RIHS-Ivory Coast

Addresses: Part 5, Qurtaba, P.O. Box 5585, Safat, Kuwait
House #40, Lake Drive Road, Sector #7, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Number 28 Mula Mustafe Baseskije Street, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number 2 Plandiste Street, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
M.M. Baseskije Street, No.28p, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Number 6 Donji Hotonj Street, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
RIHS Office, Ilidza, Bosnia and Herzegovina
RIHS Alija House, Ilidza, Bosnia and Herzegovina
RIHS Office, Tirana, Albania
RIHS Office, Pristina, Kosovo
Tripoli, Lebanon
City of Sidon, Lebanon
Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Kismayo, Somalia
Kaneshi Quarter of Accra, Ghana
Al-Andalus, Kuwait
Al-Jahra', Kuwait
Al-Qurayn, Kuwait
Sabah Al-Nasir, Kuwait
Qurtubah, Kuwait
Hadiyah, Kuwait
Al-Qadisiyah, Kuwait
Al-Fayha', Kuwait
Al-Riqah, Kuwait
Al-Firdaws, Kuwait
Khitan, Kuwait
Al-Sabahiyah, Kuwait
Jalib Al-Shiyukh, Kuwait
Bayan Wa Mashrif, Kuwait
Sabah Al-Salim, Kuwait
Al-Rumaythiyah, Kuwait
Al-Salimiyah, Kuwait
Al-Aridiyah, Kuwait
Al-Khalidiya, Kuwait
Al-Dhahr, Kuwait
Al-Rawdah, Kuwait
Al-Shamiyah Wa Al-Shuwaykh, Kuwait
Al-Amiriyah, Kuwait
Al-Nuzhah, Kuwait
Kifan, Kuwait

Source:[url=]U.S. Department of Treasury[/url]

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

ٍShaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen:  "Indeed, from what is obligatory for the taalibul-'Ilm to maintain and adhere to is defense

03-01-2009 @ 3:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Is the difference between Ahlul-Haqq and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa'at-Turaath and Jam'iyyatul-Islaah (Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen) a difference based upon 'aqeedah?  
- ash-Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel answers [::: Audio:::]

Click here to download the audio file.

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سـفيان عثمان بيشر

*And here the Shaykh refutes a doubt spread by those who try to say that our khilaaf with Ihyaa' at-Turaath is because of sins and not a khilaaf which is 'aqadee ('aqeedah-based), as if tahazzub, takfeer, and cooperating with the Raafidhah shee'ah are not issues of 'Aqeedah!!.  

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيـان عثمـان بيشر الأمريكي

05-01-2009 @ 11:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin 'Uthmaan al-'Anjaree asks: Is the difference between Ahlul-Haqq and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa'at-Turaath and Jam'iyyatul-Islaah (Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen) a difference based upon 'aqeedah? ash-Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel answers ::: Translation

ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin 'Uthmaan al-'Anjaree asks:

If someone says that the khilaaf (khilaaf of Ahlul-Haqq) with Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee or Jam'iyyatul-Islaah [Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen in Kuwait] is a khilaaf that is 'aqadee ('Aqeedah-based), is this statement correct or not?

Ash-Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaa'eel Mindikaar answered:

If you know what they have of mukhaalifaat in 'Aqeedah, yes.  This is the asl.  Meaning, the asl in splitting and separating (from) the people is the affairs of I'tiqaad.  And this issue, ya'nee, it has been made obligatory upon us by all of the nusoos (texts) of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa', without doubt, or else why do we separate and split from them?  

If the khilaaf between you and them is not in an issue from the issues of I'tiqaad so then how do you separate from them?  And how do you boycott them?  And how do you warn against them?

So either you know these affairs of 'Aqeedah that you differ with them in them, or you know their mukhaalifaat that are 'Aqeedah-based, otherwise you‎ finished.  So if there is no khilaaf 'aqadee (no khilaaf in the affairs of 'Aqeedah) between you and them, then go.  Enter along with them, and sit with them, and mix with them, and help and support them, and enter with them in their da'wah!

However, I say, the asl regarding those who split and separate,  and warn - meaning, from these groups and parties - without doubt - then, ya'nee, their issues in the affairs based in 'Aqeedah are innumerable.

And everyday, ya'nee, many proofs come to us of ikhtilaafaat or mufaaraqaat between us and them in the affairs of I'tiqaad.  And the most recent of them is a paper published today.  It was published today ‎ where is it, O shaykh Faaris?
Maa shaa' Allaah, this is with shaykh Faaris, this da'wah to al-Wasitiyyah (following a moderate, middle path).
And the term al-Wasitiyyah, without doubt, is an asl (principle) from the Usool of I'tiqaad. So they participate with the Raafidhah, yaa shaykh! And with them (the Raafidhah) is one who is called Aayatollah what? Aayatollah at-Taskheeree, yaa shaykh. Meaning, they join and participate with ahlul-bid'a and participate with this nation, with all of its bid'a and its misguidance, and (claim) they are moderation (al-wasatiyyah), and they are the ones who understand al-wasatiyyah.

And it doesn't mean they invite anyone from Ahlus-Sunnah or from the Salafees in the likes of these meetings.  So their cooperation and participation with ahlul-bid'a and their cooperation and participation with the Raafidhah and other than the Raafidhah, like what our Shaykh mentioned a little while ago, there is no doubt that the ikhtilaaf between us and them is in a tremendous principle, and it is al-Walaa' wal-Baraa' and at-Tahazzub ‎ I say - at-Ta'assub towards other than the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and what Muhammad was upon and what the Companions were upon from the affairs that bring about their benefit and other than them.

And the transcript is posted on Sahab.

And the noble Shaykh Ahmad bin 'Umar Baazmool wrote in response to this:

بـسم الله الرحـمن الرحيـم

May reward with goodness Ash-Shaykh, al-'Allaamah Falaah Mindikaar, and Ash-Shaykh, the noble advisor Muhammad bin 'Uthmaan al-'Anjaree for these sound, well-expressed words, exposing the people of misguidance, clarifying the obligation upon every Muslim, opposing ahlul-bid'a and whoever aids them or praises them or defends them.  

And there is no doubt that this jam'iyyah (Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath) has caused much corruption in the earth, and put to trial some of the Salafees, and drawing them to their ranks.  So you see him standing up to defend them, ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله, so to Allaah is the complaint.

But by the fadhl of Allaah the Most High and from His blessings is that the Haqq and its people - they are the majority and they are more powerful over their small numbers - so we do not cease to be those who adhere tightly to the Haqq, so we are a jamaa'ah upon our small numbers just as the noble Companion 'Abdullaah bin Mas'ood (رضى الله عنه) said: "The Jamaa'ah is Ahlul-Haqq, even if you are by yourself."

So may reward our brother Haanee with the best of rewards for this beautiful benefit, and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and his Companions.

Your dear brother,

Ahmad Baazmool

Posted on Sahab by Shaykh Ahmad on 9 December, 2008

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيـان عثمـان بيشر الأمريكي

05-05-2009 @ 11:43 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Many people are still deluded into thinking that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is no longer connected to Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath. Here are two recent examples that show that he is!


أعلن الشيخ علي خالد الوصيص رئيس الهيئة الادارية لادارة بناء المساجد والمشاريع الاسلامية في منطقة الصباحية
التابعة لجمعية احياء التراث الاسلامي
ان الادارة ستنظم ندوة عامة تحت عنوان (مأساة غزة محنة ومنحة) مساء اليوم الاثنين عقب صلاة العشاء مباشرة
وسيشارك فيها كل من
الشيخ عبدالرحمن عبدالخالق
وأعضاء مجلس الامة خالد السلطان
د. علي العمير
ود. محمد الكندري
وعبدالله البرغش.

وذلك بمقر فرع الجمعية في منطقة الصباحية ق (4) - ش (16) - م (824).
تاريخ النشر في الجريدة 12/01/2009

Source: - posted by Faaris Taahir

The Committee for Building Masaajid and Islaamic Projects in Al-Sabahiyyah that falls under Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee will hold a symposium under the title "The Tragedy of the plight of Gaza"... those participating are shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq, MP Khaalid Sultaan....
And that will be in the HQ of the Jam'iyyah's branch office in Al-Sabahiyyah Area, Block 4, Street 16, House# 824.
Published in the newspaper 12 January, 2009!


[ لأهل الكويت ] المخيم الربيعي العشرون تحت شعار { .. احفظها ..،
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يسرنا دعوتكم لحضور
المخيم الربيعي العشرون
التابع لجمعية احياء التراث الاسلامي
تحت شعار
[ احفظها ]
و الذي سيبدأ عصر الغد و لمدة أربعة أيام
من الغد الثلاثاء الموافق 3/ مارس / 2009 م و حتى يوم الجمعة الموافق 6 / مارس / 2009 م
فعاليات المخيم العامة :
المحاضرات العامة بعد صلاة المغرب

اليوم الأول
الثلاثاء 3/ مارس / 2009 م
الشيخ / عبد الرحمن عبد الخالق +
الشيخ / محمد حسان

اليوم الثاني
الأربعاء 4/ مارس / 2009 م
الشيخ / عبد العزيز الفوزان
اليوم الثالث
الخميس 5/ مارس / 2009 م
الشيخ / عبد المحسن الأحمد
اليوم الرابع
الجمعة 6/ مارس / 2009 م
الشيخ / صالح المغامسي + الشيخ / عادل المقبل

Source: [url=]Meshkat[/url]

Spring Camp #20, under the auspices of Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee, under the banner "احفظها" (Take care of her...)...
3-6 March, 2009...
Day 1 - Tuesday, 3 March, 2009:
Speakers: shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq + shaykh Muhammad Hassaan...

Is there still any doubt?!

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subay'ee حفظه الله تعال said in his cassette An-Naseehatu ilaa ikhwaaninaa feet-Turaath ("Advice to our brothers in at-Turaath"):

"And in reality, the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is something else, he in reality, he lives on a different planet, and deceives himself.
    And his deceiving himself, then this, as I said (before), everyone cries over his Laylaa and does whatever he wants with himself, but that you numb your Salafee brothers and to hide the reality from them with the likes of this da'wah, for verily this is from that which must be refuted, and from that which must be shown clearly to all of the people, that this is a lie and a fabrication, and that it is not correct.
    So the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-Islaamee is something else, then this one is like the one who says that Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen have no connection with Hasan al-Banaa'‎..."

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيـان عثمـان بيشر الأمريكي

07-05-2009 @ 2:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Fatwaa ash-Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee (رحمة الله عليه) regarding Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath

Q. What do you know about Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath that is in Kuwait, as it has opened a branch in 'Iraaq and split and divided the Salafee youth, and opened lessons and pays a stipend to everyone who attends these lessons?  And those who are giving the lessons are not from those who are qualified to teach. Please direct us and you are rewarded.

ash-Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee answered:


A. Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath has some observations and remarks (to be made) regarding it.  So we do not advise you, if you are Salafees, with enrolling with it (the Jam'iyyah) out of fearing for you deception in regards to what it is upon.  And I advise you to be patient until Allaah facilitates for you someone who will teach you, upon the Salafee manhaj and the correct legislated path of the Sharee'ah, and he takes the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و سلم)upon the fahm (understanding) of the Salafus-Saalih and the people of the true, correct 'Aqeedah...."

Source: Al-Fataawaa Al-Jaliyyah [2/320]

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيـان عثمـان بيشر الأمريكي

21-06-2009 @ 1:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillah Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al Andunusi (Jogjakarta, DIY, Indonesia)
Posts: 28
Joined: Aug 2006
Great contribution regarding Ihya at Turath... !!! Barakallahufikum.

Your brother from Indonesia

Abu Abdillah Ibrahim bin Muhammad Al Andunusi

16-09-2009 @ 7:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) said:

Jam‎iyyah Ihy‎ Tur‎th is deviated. People are tricked by them: They print some books by the Salaf, and at the same time they print books by the deviant, an example of this is the book of Sayyid Qutb... Thus this is a group who plays a game with two faces and has different shapes. This is a strategy they use to gather people."

(Questions and answers regarding Manhaj Dh‎l-Qa‎dah 1417H)

source: Message sent by Br. Mahir (salafitalk id: easy)

Similar "strategy" is employed by [url=]Dr. Zakir Naik[/url]. He also sells some books by Salafi Scholars and at the same time he sells and stocks books by Ahlul Bid'ah in the IRF library. Similarly sometimes he invites Salafis to give lectures while most of the speakers on Peace TV (Eng & Urdu) have some or the other issues in manhaj and some are from the [url=]Deobandiyyah[/url], [url=]Jamaat-e-Islaamee[/url], etc.

31-12-2009 @ 8:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003

This thread is Raised as a reminder that regardless who praises Ihya turaath, the evidences against them are enough for the one who seeks the haqq.  Jazaakallaahu khayran akhil Kareem Aboo sufyaan.

02-01-2010 @ 7:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003


The evidences against Ihyaa Turaath speaks for itself.  Jamiat Ahle hadith UK- Greenlane and Abu Usaamah are their supporters wal-iyaadhu-billaah.

23-07-2010 @ 7:37 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Deviations of 'Abdur Rahmaan 'Abdul Khaaliq and his contradictions in Manhaj

Please read from page 10 onwards of the pdf found here.

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