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» The Imaam Al-Faqeeh Ibn Uthaymeen refers to the Callers of Misguidance as Dajjaajilah
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20-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 63
Joined: Sep 2002
The Imaam Al-Faqeeh Ibn Uthaymeen refers to the Callers of Misguidance as
{Sharhul Mumt'i 3:274}

He said:

But it is binding upon us that we know that the type of fitnah of this man
(The actual Dajjaal) is present in other than him, as you find from the
children of Adam at this present time one who misguides the people with his
appearance, speech and everything he is able (to use) and you will find that
this is from the wisdom of Allaah that he gave him eloquence and fluency:

"So those who might be destroyed are destroyed after clear evidence, and
those who live might live after clear evidence."(8:42)

And there is no doubt that the Fitnah of the actual Dajjaal is the greatest
thing, but also there are Dajjaajilah who deceive the people and
distort matters over them. So it is obligatory to be cautious of them and to
understand their aims and intentions.

That is why Allaah said about the Hypocrites:

"They are your enemy so be cautious of them." (63:4) Even though he said:
"And when they speak you listen to their words." (63:4) Meaning that due to
their eloquence, fluency and power (of speech) they
will pull you strongly to listen to what is being said. But (As Allaah said)
"They are as blocks of wood propped up." (63:4) And even the wood is not
erected by itself, "Propped up."

This means that it rests on a wall, so there is no benefit in it. So those
who adorn themselves in front of the people with the manner that they speak
whether it's concerning Aqeedah, Sulook or Manhaj it is obligatory to be
aware of them and their sayings should be compared to the Book of Allaah and
the Sunnah of his messenger, so that which opposes them is rejected no
matter what it is. And one should not be deceived by the beauty of the
speech as this is from flowery speech.

Broken arguments like a [dim] glass (lamp) that you think to be truth (i.e.
the source of light, guidance). And every predator (bird, eagle) is
thwarted, foiled.

So do not say that these people have been given eloquence and fluency in
order to aid the truth, for verily Allaah tests (mankind) so He might give
some of them eloquence and fluency even if he is upon falsehood as Allaah
will put mankind to trial with the Dajjaal who is without a shadow of a
doubt upon baatil.

This message was edited by sayfullaah on 10-21-02 @ 3:07 AM

20-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 63
Joined: Sep 2002
..--=ahamdulillaah was. salaatu was. salaamu `alaa rasoolillaah.=--..
wa. ba`ad

Inshaa Allaah we will try and post the speech of Ibn Battah in the next few days on this subject to complete the benefit.

20-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
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Look at the wisdom of the Imaam of Aqeedah, the Faqeeh, al-allaamah Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen:

?but also there are Dajjaajilah who deceive the people and distort matters over them. So it is obligatory to be cautious of them and to understand their aims and intentions.?

?And one should not be deceived by the beauty of the speech as this is from flowery speech.?

And maybe this of a bigger fitnah to us in the west, those who time after time have been fooled by those who speak the Arabic language, but wal hamdulilah for the likes of Shaykh Rabee, Shaykh Fawzaan, Shaykh Ubayd, Shaykh Faalih and other then them, who expose these people, the likes of Adnaan Uroor, Maghraawi, and abul Hasan, their deviations and corruption.

Let us not forget that those who have caused most harm to the Muslims and Islam are Ahlul Bidah! The disease from within, so upon us to stick to the way of the Salaf, and the scholars - The inheritors of the prophet

Are they not al-At-Taa'ifat ul-Mansoorah...?There will not cease to be a group from my ummah triumphant upon the truth.  Those who oppose them will not be able to harm them, nor will those who abandon them, until Allaah?s order comes about (Day of Judgment) and they are in that state?

Did not the prophet tell us.? "The upright in every generation will carry this knowledge, rejecting the distortions of the extremists, the false claims of the liars, and the (false) interpretations of the ignorant."

And Our brother Abu Abdillaah Amr al-Makkee has informed us of the following incident:

Abul Hasan al-ma'ribi turned up on the doorstep of Shaykh Wasee'ullah 'Abbaas [uninvited]

Abul Hasan asked the Shaykh "What is your position concerning me?"

Shaykh Wasee'ullah responeded "I am with Shaykh Rabee"

Abul Hasan asked if the Shaykh if he had read the rudood, and the Shaykh confirmed he had, at which Abul Hasan tried to argue with the Shaykh, to which the Shaykh responded:

"Be silent, because when you talk you get into trouble"

Abul Hasan persisted and wanted to give the Shaykh 20 tapes to listen to, but Shaykh Wasee'ullah was having none of it, he said I hardly have time to listen to a Shaykh Naasir {al-Albani} tape, I have no time to listen to you!

And Shaykh Wasee'ullah 'Abbaas was one of those who participated in the ?QSS? Abu Bakr seminar, so another slap in your face oh QSS!

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan radiallaahu 'anhu said. "The people used to ask the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear that it would overtake me ..."

This message was edited by uk_Salafi on 10-20-02 @ 11:12 PM

22-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
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Maudoodi's rejection of The Dajjal
Author :Jamaal Ibn Fareehaan al-Haarithee
Source : al-Ijwibatul-Mufeedah(p. 92)
Translated By : Maaz Qureshi

Note: Maudoodi's Words are in red!

Said Jamaal Ibn Fareehaan al-Haarithee in al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah (p. 92),
?Said al-Mawdoodee in his book Rasaa?il wa Masaa?il (p. 57), published in 1351H,

?The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) used to think that the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) would come out in his time, or close to his time. However, 1350 years passed away and many long generations came and went, yet the Dajjaal did not come out. So it is confirmed that what the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) thought did not prove true!!?

And he added to the edition published in 1362H,

?Indeed, 1350 years have passed?yet the Dajjaal has not come out, so this is the reality.?

So this is clear rejection of the emergence of the Dajjaal, whose emergence has been narrated concurrently (tawaatur) in authentic ahaadeeth. And he said (p. 55),

??It is confirmed that everything which is related in the ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) concerning the Dajjaal is the opinion and analogical deduction of the Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam), and it is a doubtful misgiving from his affair.?

So is this not a rejection of the Dajjaal? Is this not a denial of the narration of the Messenger (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam), about which Allaah said,

?And he does not speak from his own desire. It is revelation inspired to him.? [Sooratun-Najm 53:3-4]

And he says in Arba?ah Mustalahaatul-Qur?aanil-Asaasiyyah (p. 156),

?Allaah the Glorified commanded him (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) in Sooratun-Nasr to repent to his Lord due to what emanated from him in deficiencies and shortcomings in distributing the shares.?

Was not what Allaah described His Prophet (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) from the Attribute of al-?Uboodiyyah, which is from the most complete of human attributes sufficient for him? So He ? the Sublime and Exalted - described him like that in many of the aayaat from His Book! Where is he from the statement of the Messenger (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) in the hadeeth of the three people who asked about his worship ? and it is as if he is discussing this very affair ? he said, ?As for me, then I fear Allaah more than any of you?? To the end of the hadeeth.

Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan radiallaahu 'anhu said. "The people used to ask the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam about the good, but I used to ask him about the evil for fear that it would overtake me ..."

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