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28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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A brother sent me this e-mail:

I do not have a
account, but I have a question I would like to ask. I would like you to
post it there for me. It's about an individual named Israr Ahmad from
Pakistan. He is in the group Tanzeem-e-Islami (www.**********.org). I would
like you to post a question asking if anyone knows what he and his group
are upon, and if they could do a detailed refutation on him and his

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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These excerpts should give you all a glimpse of what is the aqeedah and manhaj of Israar Ahmad - who has as one of his strongest aides, spokesman and supporters Imraan Hussain (not to be confused with our brother Imraan Hussain as-Salafee from Guyana, South America).

NOTE: The abbreviations of (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), RA and the like are from him.

The Process of an Islamic Revolution?II
The Iranian Experience
Dr. Israr Ahmad

First published in "The Qur?anic Horizons" April-June , 1998

"The Iranian Revolution is one of the major socio-political upheavals in recent history. The transformation of the state from a secular and nationalist monarchy to a theocracy has led, over the years, to far-reaching effects not only on the balance of power in the region but also on the struggle for Islamic revival in the Muslim world. The latter is exemplified by the fact that the term "Islamic Revolution" itself came into vogue as a result of the enthusiasm and excitement generated by the change in Iran. With reference to our ongoing discussion of the methodology for the establishment of the Islamic Public Order, we are going to deal in the present article with the following three issues:

Can the Iranian Revolution be called a true revolution?

Is it correct to describe the Iranian Revolution as a genuinely Islamic one? and

Can this Revolution be adopted as a model in other Muslim countries, especially in Pakistan?

The significance of these questions is two-fold. First, during the years following the revolution, our Iranian brethren as well as the Western media emphatically presented the upheaval in Iran as an Islamic Revolution. The widespread use and subsequent acceptance of this label implied that if there was anything worthy or desirable in the Iranian Revolution then it would be Islam that would receive the credit; similarly, if there was anything wrong or corrupt in it then this would inevitably tarnish Islam?s image. Therefore, an analysis of the Iranian Revolution ? for the purpose of deciding as to whether or not this was truly Islamic ? has tremendous importance.

Secondly, a number of Muslim intellectuals floated the idea in the early 1980?s that the change in Iran represents the most perfect model of an Islamic Revolution. They propounded that all Islamic activist groups should embrace the Iranian example as an ideal vis-à-vis their struggle to establish Islam as a socio-political order in their respective countries. These intellectuals went even to the extent of suggesting that Ayatollah Khomeini should be accepted as the leader and guide of the entire Muslim Ummah. We believe that this was an overly enthusiastic and impulsive approach. Since the revolutionary fervor generated by various Islamic revivalist parties could not find its proper outlet due to their lack of success, and since the Iranian Revolution was the only successful political change in modern times where religion had triumphed over secularism, these Islamic thinkers erroneously concluded that success for Islamic groups is possible only through emulating the Iranian example. In their zeal, however, they failed to take into account the numerous and substantial differences between the conditions existing in the pre-Revolution Iran and those prevailing in the rest of the Muslim world. As a consequence of these differences, all attempts to export the Iranian Revolution ? i.e., re-enacting as such the Iranian experience in other Muslim countries ? failed to meet with any success. It is for this reason as well that we need to study the Iranian Revolution in detail.

The first point that needs to be understood is this: As far as the methodology is concerned, the one revolution that must be taken as the ultimate source of guidance by all Muslims is the archetypal Islamic Revolution brought about by Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and his devoted Companions (RAA) in the 7th century Arabia. No other revolution, irrespective of how marvelous or remarkable, can ever take the place of this Prophetic model as a source of guidance. Having said that, however, we must acknowledge the extraordinary sacrifices offered by the Iranian people in their struggle against the repressive regime of Reza Shah Pahlavi. We should also cherish the outstanding example set by the Iranians as a source of inspiration for all those who wish to bring about fundamental and positive changes in their respective societies. Moreover, despite the fact that the Iranian Revolution took place under conditions that were quite unique and it cannot, therefore, be used as a model in each and every Muslim society, the fact must be recognized that there was, indeed, one aspect of this Revolution that deserves to be carefully incorporated in the methodology of contemporary movements for Iqamah Al-Deen"

He goes on to say concerning the situation in Paakistaan:

"Another related issue that must not be overlooked is that, under the conditions prevailing in Pakistan, a reconciliation between Shi?ah and Sunni Muslims is indispensable for any fruitful and meaningful effort in connection with Iqamah Al-Deen. We firmly believe that the establishment of a true Islamic state in Pakistan is impossible unless Shi?ah and Sunni Muslims become unanimous in their demand for the Islamic Order and cooperate with each other in this struggle. It is not possible, of course, to eliminate the numerous and centuries-old disagreements between them ? whether these are related to beliefs, historical events, or jurisprudence ? but Shi?ah and Sunni Muslims can still pool their resources and work together for a cause that transcends these differences. We believe that the only practicable formula for a Shi?ah-Sunni reconciliation is the one adopted by Iran."

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This is what they say about their leader a man who has hundreds of tapes spread around the world and who has taken many universities and colleges by storm:

"Dr. Israr Ahmad, the second son of a government servant, was born on April 26, 1932 in Hisar (a district of East Punjab, now a part of Haryana) in India. He graduated from King Edward Medical College (Lahore) in 1954 and later received his masters in Islamic Studies from the University of Karachi in 1965. He came under the influence of Allama Iqbal and Maulana Abul A`la Maududi as a young student, worked briefly for Muslim Student's Federation in the Independence Movement and, following the creation of Pakistan in 1947, for the Islami Jami`yat-e-Talaba and then for the Jama`at-e-Islami. Dr. Israr Ahmad resigned from the Jama`at in April 1957 because of its involvement in the electoral politics, which he believed was irreconcilable with the revolutionary methodology adopted by the Jama'at in the pre-1947 period"....

..."In the context of Qur'anic exegesis and understanding, Dr. Israr Ahmad is a firm traditionalist of the genre of Maulana Mehmood Hassan Deobandi and Allama Shabeer Ahmad Usmani; yet he presents Qur'anic teachings in a scientific and enlightened way"...

..."Dr. Israr Ahmad believes in a dynamic and revolutionary conception of Islam, and in this regard he is a disciple of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Maulana Sayyid Abul A`la Maududi"...

And about their Hizb (party) they have as an integral aspect of their mission statement:

"Any male or female Muslim (belonging to any school of the Ahl Al-Sunnah) can become a member of Tanzeem-e-Islami by giving a pledge (or Baiy`ah) of obedience ? within the limits set by the Shari`ah ? to the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, a position currently held by its founder, Dr. Israr Ahmad. As soon as a Muslim takes the conscious decision to live his life in accordance with the commands of Almighty Allah (SWT), he may join Tanzeem-e-Islami; the stages of learning, training, and purifying will occur subsequently. However, he must promise, on the occasion of becoming a member, that he will give up all that is disliked by Almighty Allah (SWT) and that he will try his utmost in fulfilling the obligations he owes as a Muslim"...

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 1-28-03 @ 4:12 PM

28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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They remove all doubt with this statement:

"...He considers Maulana Maududi to be his teacher and mentor and publicly admits, without hesitation, that he was able to understand the comprehensive and holistic concept of Islamic obligations from the writings of Maulana Maududi.  All this and more is on record, in the form of Dr. Israr Ahamd's various writings and his numerous speeches that are available in the form of audio/video tapes"...

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

28-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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And last but not least, from our elder Shaikh Rabee ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee regarding some of Mawdoodee's concepts:

..."so hopefully it will have become clear to the reader that these conclusions are based upon intellectual and political analogies and deductions. They are not based upon proofs from the Qur'aan and the Prophetic Sunnah, and this is an idea requiring Divine Revelation, not a place for intellectual and political discoveries"...

Taken from 'Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allaah That is the Way of Wisdom and Intelligence'*

*Something that it is clear that neither Mawdoodee or Israar Ahmad had/have!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

30-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al-Hamdulillahi Ta'Ala wa salatu wa salamu ala Rasulullah

Amma ba'du;

Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

Many of the contemporary Muslim leaders here in America have been to Pakistan to gain Israar Ahmad's understanding of Islamic Movement and they incorporated these teachings into their activities here. Which says a lot about these brothers and their directional focus and some even claim Salafiyyah and have many young Muslims listening to them.

Abu Na'imah Shamsudden

29-09-2008 @ 3:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Since he is a follower of the genre of Mehmood Hassan Deobandi and Shabeer Ahmad Usmani in the context of Qur'anic exegesis and understanding, he also believes in soofee concepts including Wahdatul wujood. There is a tape by one of the 'Jamiat Ahle Hadith of Pakistan' Scholar refuting the wahdatul wujood of Dr. Israr Ahmed. May Allaah guide him, us and those who follow him or promote him on their television networks. Aameen.

12-08-2009 @ 7:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Attached is a screenshot which has some excerpts from the article "Why Tanzeem-e-Islami?" by Imran N. Hosein which is found on the official website of Dr. Israr Ahmed's Tanzeem e Islami organization.

It clearly shows the misconceptions and the deviant ideology of these people. SubhaanAllah, this writer has claimed that modern State of Saudi Arabia is based on Shirk & there are no territories today which can be termed "Dar al Islam". And once this Dar al Islam is established somewhere on Earth then Makkah has to be liberated. Meaning that Makkah today is not Dar al Islam.

And on the other hand this writer has no qualms about using the phrase "Islamic Iran"!!! Can the Rafidhi state of Iran be termed "Islamic"?

And who exactly is the "Wahabi Ikhwan" that the author is referring to? He definitely needs to read the book [url=]The Wahhabi Myth[/url] to clarify his gross misunderstandings.

May Allah guide Dr. Israr and those who have given him bayah and have joined his Tanzeem organization. May Allah guide Dr. Zakir Naik and Peace TV owners who allow Dr. Israr to give lectures on their plaforms. Aameen.

Please do read the beneficial article [url='aa%20wal%20Hizbiyyah.pdf]Al-Bay'aa wal Hizbiyyah[/url] by Dr. Saleh as-Saleh rahimahullah.

17-08-2009 @ 1:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Attached screenshot is from the article entitled "The Iranian Experience" authored by Dr. Israr Ahmed as is found on the Tanzeem e Islami official website.

A few years ago our brother in Islam, Yasir Qadhi (may Allah rectify his affairs) signed a pledge to unite with the Sufis considering them to be from "broad fold of Sunni Islam".

Dr. Israr (may Allah guide him) has gone a step further and openly talks about "co-operating" with the [url=]Shia[/url] inspite of differences in aqeedah! Allahul Musta'an (Allah's aid is sought).

May Allah guide Dr. Zakir Naik and Peace TV owners so that they don't promote Dr. Israr on their platforms. May Allah grant us thabaat. Aameen.

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