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Topic: Allah above the throne...
Umm Musa bint Muhammad
(New York)
Posts: 260
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Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, From Foundations of the Sunnah: AbdulQaadir alJeelaanee: "Istiwaa does not mean sitting or touching..." (p135) From Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen's "Tenets of Faith": "His istiwaa over the Throne means that He is above it by His dhaat; it is a particular ascending that befits His majesty and greatness. No one knows how Allah ascends, except Him" (p18) So this is the part that I found odd... The same text was translated quite differently in another printing, "The Muslim's Belief", with a different translator: "His 'settling on the throne' means that He is sitting in person on His throne in a way that is becoming to His majesty and greatness. Nobody except He knows exactly how He is sitting" Can someone help clarify this? I really hope proper translators will be assigned at all times when it comes to translating religious texts, particularly ones to do with aqeedah... as this can significantly affect particularly those who don't know Arabic and are new to the deen. Not translating at all is better than translating with the wrong meanings and misguiding others... Allahu musta'aan.
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson
(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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Wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. To specify how Allaah is above His Throne without evidence is a kind of takyeef. Takyeef is absolutely forbidden and leads to many basically all the deviations that are related to the Names and Attributes. We affirm that Allaah is above his Throne, in a manner that befits His Majesty. Where the texts stop, we stop.
Moosaa ibn John Richardson ******************** ıııııı ııııı ıııııı ıııı ıı ıı ııı ııı ııı ııııııı ııııı
Umm Musa bint Muhammad
(New York)
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Na'am, jazakallahu khayran, So we should be aware of the edition I mentioned above of the translation inshaAllah. And we ask Allah to protect the muslimeen from such defects in aqeedah.
Umm Musa bint Muhammad
(New York)
Posts: 260
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Asalamu alaikum, I posted a question on a previous thread but I don't think it got noticed, so I am reposting it here:
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I found this quote from ibn Abbas from there: "...Indeed Allaah the Mighty and Majestic was above His Throne before He created anything, then He created the creation..." I am trying to understand this in light of the ayah in the Quraan that affirms His rising above the throne after creating the heavens and the earth in 6 days... Can someone explain? |
Also, I am confused about narrations that state Allah's throne being above the water... then I came across this from, but I am unsure about who is answering this question - it is apparently one of the scholars - if anyone has an idea, please post it here.
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6) What is the relationship between the following aspects of Allaahıs creation: kursi, arsh, heavens, bahr - what is above what? (The heavens are above the earth). The bahr (ocean) is above the heavens. The kursi (foot stool) is above the bahr. The arsh (throne) is above the kursi, and the arsh is the highest of all the Created things.
Can someone untangle all of this and provide some clarification?
Abu Lubaynah Abdul Ghanee ibn Michael Goodchild Al-Guyaanee
(Birmingham, UK)
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